Veteran's Vessel

Author: Phil Jones
2 years ago

Riddle: After retiring from military service in the Army, friends Terry and Ron decided to pool their money and purchase the supplies needed to build their very own sailing ship. Together, they used the skills taught to them during their service in the Army Corps of Engineers, and after just a few months, their beautiful craft was complete. The strange thing is, that Ron and Terry became very protective of their newly-built ship. Never once did the two friends ever invite anyone to go sailing on the vessel. No one was allowed to put even one foot on the deck of the boat they had built together. They even restricted themselves from sailing on it!!! Finally, they decided to cover the entire ship with a clear covering, hoping to discourage anyone from even touching the vessel. Why do you suppose Terry and Ron became so overprotective of their new sailing ship?
Answer: Ron and Terry's project was a ship in a bottle.
After retiring from military service in the Army, friends Terry and Ron decided to pool their money and purchase the supplies needed to build their very own sailing ship. Together, they used the skills taught to them during their service in the Army Corps of Engineers, and after just a few months, their beautiful craft was complete. The strange thing is, that Ron and Terry became very protective of their newly-built ship. Never once did the two friends ever invite anyone to go sailing on the vessel. No one was allowed to put even one foot on the deck of the boat they had built together. They even restricted themselves from sailing on it!!! Finally, they decided to cover the entire ship with a clear covering, hoping to discourage anyone from even touching the vessel. Why do you suppose Terry and Ron became so overprotective of their new sailing ship?
Veteran's Vessel by Phil Jones v1.

Riddle: After retiring from military service in the Army, friends Terry and Ron decided to pool their money and purchase the supplies needed to build their very own sailing ship. Together, they used the skills taught to them during their service in the Army Corps of Engineers, and after just a few months, their beautiful craft was complete. The strange thing is, that Ron and Terry became very protective of their newly-built ship. Never once did the two friends ever invite anyone to go sailing on the vessel. No one was allowed to put even one foot on the deck of the boat they had built together. They even restricted themselves from sailing on it!!! Finally, they decided to cover the entire ship with a clear covering, hoping to discourage anyone from even touching the vessel. Why do you suppose Terry and Ron became so overprotective of their new sailing ship? Answer: Ron and Terry's project was a ship in a bottle.
by Phil Jones v2.