A riddle problem is a question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning, typically presented as a game.  Below is a list of the past problem of the week riddles in descending chronological order.

Riddle: Three playing cards in a row. Can you name them with these clues? There is a two to the right of a king. A diamond will be found to the left of a spade. An ace is to the left of a heart. A heart is to the left of a spade. Now, identify all three cards.
Answer: Ace of Diamonds, King of Hearts, Two of Spades.
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Riddle: Can you combine plus signs and five 2's to get 28? Can you combine plus signs and eight 8's to get 1,000?
Answer: 22+2+2+2=28; 888+88+8+8+8=1,000
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Riddle: A horse is tied to a five-meter rope in front of an old saloon. Six meters behind the horse is a bale of hay. Without breaking his rope, the horse is able to eat the hay whenever he chooses. How is this possible?
Answer: The rope is not tied to anything else.
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Riddle: Take eight small sticks, four of which are half the length of the other four. How can you make three equal squares out of the sticks?
Answer: Use the longer four sticks to be sharing sides between the squares and at the end their should be three intertwined squares.
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Riddle: I am a three digit number. My tens digit is five more than my ones digit. My hundreds digit is eight less than my tens digit. What number am I?
Answer: Number 194.
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Handy Math Teachers

POW: 09-16-2024

Riddle: What is the most useful instrument in a mathematics teacher's tool kit?
Answer: Multi-pilers!
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Riddle: There are 2 ducks in front of 2 other ducks. There are 2 ducks behind 2 other ducks. There are 2 ducks beside 2 other ducks. How many ducks are there?
Answer: Just four, in a square formation.
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Riddle: If a boy blows 18 bubbles, Then pops 6 eats 7 and then He pops 5 and blows 1. How many are left?
Answer: 1.
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Riddle: The ages of a father and son add up to 66. The father's age is the son's age reversed. How old could they be? (3 possible solutions).
Answer: 51 and 15. 42 and 24. 60 and 06.
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Riddle: What arithmetic symbol can be put between 2 and 3 so that the resulting number is greater than 2 but less than 3?
Answer: A decimal point. 2.3 is greater than 2 and less than 3.
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To see more past problems of the week's refer to the Riddles Newsletter annals.