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Riddle: Reuben, a renowned author, was found unconscious in his study on a Sunday morning. His agent, Kelly, called the police to report it. When the officers arrived, they questioned three suspects: Anna the nanny, Mike the cleaner, and Mark the driver. Anna said that she had driven Reuben's daughter to school. Mike said that he had a day off and spent it with his family. And Mark said that he had taken Reuben's car to the car wash. Who attacked Reuben?
Answer: Anna the nanny is lying. Children don't go to school on Sundays.
Someone Called the Author-ities! Riddle Meme.
Someone Called the Author-ities! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: How can you place a cup in the middle of a room, and crawl into it?
Answer: Place the cup in the middle of the room, and crawl into the room! Nobody said whether "it" was the cup or the room!
Impossible Challenge Riddle Meme.
Impossible Challenge Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man and a woman are talking to each other. One of them is a brunette, while the other person is blond. The brunette says, "I'm a lady,". And the blond person says, "I'm a gentleman,". Assuming that at least one person is lying, can you guess who's who?
Answer: If we suppose that only one person is lying, then the people would either be both ladies or both gentlemen, which contradicts the first statement. Therefore, both people lied; the woman has blond hair, while the man had brunette hair.
Ladies and Gentlemen…Liars! Riddle Meme.
Ladies and Gentlemen…Liars! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I have a certain number of candies, X. If I divide them into groups of three, then two candies will be left. If I divide them into groups of five, then three candies will be left. And if I divide them into groups of seven, then two candies will be left. How many candies do I have?
Answer: I have 23 candies.
Uneven Division of Candies Riddle Meme.
Uneven Division of Candies Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Anna was watching TV in her house when she heard someone knocking on her door. When the woman opened the door, she saw a suspicious-looking man who claimed to be her neighbor. The man became nervous and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this was my house. I must have confused the houses,". Anna didn't believe it was just a mistake, and she called the police, saying that this man was a robber. How did Anna know?
Answer: If the man really thought that it was his house, he wouldn't have knocked on the door; he would've tried to open it with his keys. Knocking on the door is a technique used by criminals who want to break in and steal stuff.
Nerve-Wracking Neighbors Riddle Meme.
Nerve-Wracking Neighbors Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: One day, Kathy was walking in the park when she stumbled upon two suspicious men. One of them was dressed like a werewolf, while the other one was not. Which of the two men was the real werewolf?
Answer: The real werewolf is the guy who DOESN'T look like a werewolf. Werewolves only transform during the time of the full moon, and at night. It's daytime now, so there can't be any moon in the sky, let alone a full one. Therefore, the guy who looks like a werewolf must only be wearing a costume, and the guy who doesn't look like a werewolf is the real werewolf.
Werewolf Wonders Riddle Meme.
Werewolf Wonders Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Thursday, Nick and Rick went to a restaurant for dinner. The bill came out to $27. Nick and Rick each paid $9…but then, who paid the remaining $9?
Answer: The guys' friend, Thursday, paid the remaining $9. This riddle wouldn't make any sense if I said, "On Thursday, Nick and Rick…" anyway.
Who Paid for the Meal? Riddle Meme.
Who Paid for the Meal? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What letter comes next? A, B, C, D, _
Answer: It's not E; it's F, because if you put it on the line without removing the line, THEN you'll get an E.
The Next Letter…but Harder Riddle Meme.
The Next Letter…but Harder Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Ella and Mason went camping one day, but both of them got themselves in danger. Ella was bitten by a rattlesnake, and she tried to suck out the venom. Mason came face to face with a black widow spider, and he tried to attack it. Who was in more danger?
Answer: Black widow spiders rarely bite, and their bites are rarely fatal, but it's never a good idea to suck out snake venom. Therefore, Ella was in more danger.
Catastrophic Camping Riddle Meme.
Catastrophic Camping Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are 11 candles in front of you, all of them with burning wicks. Your friend blows out six of these wicks. How many candles will remain?
Answer: The six candles that had their wicks blown out will remain. After all, one, the other five candles will eventually burn down, and two, I asked you how many candles will remain, NOT, how many flames will remain.
Candle Catastrophe Riddle Meme.
Candle Catastrophe Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.