Riddle: I am a famous Phil; a well-known T.V. star, but my last name is not Donahue or Silvers, and I am not a talk-show doctor. I usually appear on television only once each year, and when I do, I am always wearing a winter coat. I am not associated with music, so my last name isn’t Wickham, or Keaggy, or Collins. I hail from the state of Pennsylvania, but my last name is not Adelphia, and I have never played pro baseball there. I am definitely not a member of the Anderer, Ippines, Odendron, Anthropy, Osophy, or Harmonic families, and I have no heritage in the Istine clan mentioned in the Bible. Finally, I was never a veteran of any war, but I am well known for my activities as a member of the underground movement. Now comes the time to use your skill —— Reveal the name of this famous Phil !!!
Answer: Punxsutawney Phil, the famous weather-predicting groundhog, who appears on T.V. every February.
A Famous Phil (Not Fill) Riddle Meme.
A Famous Phil (Not Fill) Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: How are a fly and a mosquito different?
Answer: A mosquito can fly, but a fly cannot mosquito.
Different Insects Riddle Meme.
Different Insects Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Jade works at a luxury store in the city. One day, a woman came up to her and decided to purchase a $1,000 purse. This customer gave Jade two bills and didn't even need change, but Jade refused to sell the item to the woman and called the police. Why?
Answer: The purse costs $1,000, but the woman gave Jade only two bills and didn't need any change. This means that the two bills were worth $500 each, and those bills don't exist.
Luxury Store Purse-uit Riddle Meme.
Luxury Store Purse-uit Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: If John has 60 chocolates and he eats two-thirds of them, what does he have now?
Answer: John has diabetes! The question was, "What does he have now?", NOT, "How many chocolates does he have now?".
Chocolate Eating Streak Riddle Meme.
Chocolate Eating Streak Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Yvonne and Diane are two friends going out on a camping trip. Here are some of the things they plan to take with them: chair, lamp, rice, game, tent. Can you guess which item the girls should leave at home?
Answer: Yvonne and Diane should leave the chair at home. "Lamp", "Rice", "Game", and "Tent" all have four letters, while "Chair" has five letters.
Camping Conundrum Riddle Meme.
Camping Conundrum Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Robert and Emma are a couple living together. Robert is rich, while Emma is broke. One day, Robert places a $50 bill on the table in their living room and leaves to go to the bathroom. Emma sees the bill and takes it for herself. When Robert comes back, he doesn't see the $50 bill; he asks Emma what happened. The woman said that a gust of wind had blown into the room and the bill flew out of the window. Robert didn't believe Emma and asked her to give him the money back. Why?
Answer: If a gust of wind flies into a room, nothing can possibly fly out of the window. The $50 bill would have just flown from the table to the floor, not the other way around.
Stolen or Blown Away?  Riddle Meme.
Stolen or Blown Away? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Angela had a disease that required her to take pills. One day, her doctor prescribed her three pills that would help to cure her of her disease. She needed to take one pill every 30 minutes. How much time will pass before Angela takes all of the pills?
Answer: One hour will pass. Once Angela takes the first pill, she'll wait 30 minutes. After that, she will take the second pill and wait another 30 minutes. And then she will take the last pill after that. After all, the first pill doesn't take 30 minutes to take.
Every 30 Minutes Riddle Meme.
Every 30 Minutes Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Betty and Becky are twins, who love to lie on certain days. Betty lies on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, while Becky lies on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. One day, you come up to the twins and ask them what day it is. They say, "Yesterday was one of my lying days," in unison. What day is it?
Answer: It can't be Sunday because both girls would be telling the truth…and someone is obviously lying now. It can either be Monday or Thursday because on those days, either Betty or Becky lies. But if it's Monday, both girls would lie saying yesterday was a lying day. Therefore, it's Thursday; Betty is telling the truth, and Becky is lying.
"Yesterday was one of my lying days,". Riddle Meme.
"Yesterday was one of my lying days,". Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: One afternoon, Aaron, a cashier at a huge grocery store, called the police to report a robbery. He said that right above him, the fluorescent light started to malfunction, so he grabbed a chair to stand on while trying to fix it. As soon as Aaron touched the bulb, he burned his hand and fell down. And when he came to his senses, the money was gone. The police officer refused to investigate further. Why?
Answer: Aaron couldn't have burned his hand because fluorescent light bulbs don't heat up. Therefore, his story is fake.
Foolish Fluorescent Light Bulb Riddle Meme.
Foolish Fluorescent Light Bulb Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Your spaceship lands on a foreign planet. A stranger in his workout clothes greets you to the entrance of the base. You go inside the base and wait for it to depressurize before removing your space suit. But before you get a chance to remove it, you get a message that someone at the base is an impostor. Who could it be–a man who covers his face because he has a sunburn, a woman with flaky patches all over her skin, or the stranger you saw earlier?
Answer: The stranger you saw earlier is an impostor because a human who is not wearing a spacesuit cannot survive outside of the base in the foreign planet's atmosphere, but this stranger somehow survived without his spacesuit.
Who is an Impostor? Riddle Meme.
Who is an Impostor? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.