Riddle: Imagine that you have three eggs. Now, I give you four eggs. And your rooster lays two more eggs. How many eggs do you have now?
Answer: You have four eggs–the ones I gave you. Those three eggs from the start don't count because they're imaginary (IMAGINE that you have three eggs). And those two eggs your rooster lays don't count either because roosters don't lay eggs.
Every Egg Riddle Meme.
Every Egg Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Serena made a cake for her husband's birthday. She wanted to save it for the evening, but at that time, Serena found that someone had eaten the cake! The woman concluded that it must have been one of her kids–either Justin, Theodore, or Mia–so she questions them. Justin says, "It was Theodore!". Theodore says, "It was Mia!". And Mia says, "Theodore is lying!". Assuming that only the culprit lies, and that the innocent kids tell the truth, who ate the cake?
Answer: Theodore ate the cake. If Justin was the thief, then he and Theodore would be lying, and Mia would be telling the truth, which contradicts the conditions. And if Mia was the thief, then she and Justin would be lying, and Theodore would be telling the truth; this also goes against the rules. Therefore, Justin and Mia are telling the truth, and Theodore is lying, which means that Theodore is the thief.
Who Ate the Cake?  Riddle Meme.
Who Ate the Cake? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Brent was in a seven-story building when a massive fire started. The guy jumped out of the window, but didn't even bruise himself! How is it possible?
Answer: Brent was on the first floor, and jumped out of the first floor window. After all, even though it's a seven story building, I didn't say he was on the seventh floor!
How Did he Not get Hurt?  Riddle Meme.
How Did he Not get Hurt? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Charlotte is a runaway criminal. She needs to get a haircut so that the police officers do not recognize her right away. There are only two hairdressers in her town, however; the first salon is run by Thomas–he has a super messy haircut and his shop is super dirty. And the second salon is run by Debbie–she has a super neat haircut and her shop is super clean. Which hairdresser should Charlotte choose for a nice haircut?
Answer: Charlotte should choose Thomas. Since there are only two hairdressers in her town, they can't cut their own hair; they gave haircuts to each other (Thomas cuts Debbie's hair, and Debbie cuts Thomas' hair). Since Thomas must have been the one to give Debbie a neat haircut, and Debbie must have been the one to give Thomas a messy haircut, Thomas is much more professional, and Charlotte should get her hair done by him.
Haircut Dilemma Riddle Meme.
Haircut Dilemma Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Two houses are on fire. The first one belongs to Mr. Richards–a wealthy, elderly man. And the second one belongs to Mr. Lawrence–an art dealer who just started his business. Which house fire should the police officers extinguish first?
Answer: The police officers shouldn't extinguish either house fire because it's not part of their job! Police officers don't fight fires; that's what firefighters do!
Which House to Extinguish First?  Riddle Meme.
Which House to Extinguish First? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Beckett called the police and said that his little brother, Cody, had been kidnapped. The man told the officers, "I was walking in the park with Cody. Suddenly, a stranger ran up to us and snatched my brother! I told the man to put him down or else I'd call the police, but then he ran away!". The officers asked Beckett to give a description of the kidnapper. Beckett said, "The stranger was tall and thin, he had dark hair, and he was wearing a blue v-neck T-shirt,". After these words, Beckett was arrested for fraud. Why?
Answer: If the supposed stranger was running away from Beckett, the guy couldn't have seen that he was wearing a v-neck T-shirt because the v-neck is normally seen in the front, but Beckett could only see the guy's back.
Who Really Kidnapped the Boy?  Riddle Meme.
Who Really Kidnapped the Boy? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A bus driver goes the wrong way on a one-way street. He passes two stop signs without stopping, and he even ignores all of the traffic signs. The driver passes the cops, but they don't arrest him. Why?
Answer: Nowhere in this riddle did I say that the bus driver was actually driving a bus; after all, he was walking!
The Sneaky Driver Riddle Meme.
The Sneaky Driver Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Janet is a janitor of a large museum. One day, while cleaning the ladies' room, she spots a precious ring with red gems. When Janet leaves the ladies' room, three people–Sarah, Catherine, and Harold–show up to claim it. Sarah said that the ring belonged to her grandmother; emeralds fit her green eyes perfectly anyway. Catherine asked if the ring had an engraving etched inside, and if it was damaged in any way. Harold said that he lost the ring while washing his hands; he was going to propose to his girlfriend in a few days. Janet decided that the ring belonged to Catherine. Why?
Answer: If the ring belonged to Sarah, then she wouldn't have mentioned emeralds, because the stones on the ring are red, not green. And Harold wouldn't have been allowed in the ladies' room. Catherine was the only one who knew about the engraving on the ring, as well as how precious it is, so the ring must be hers.
Ring in the Ladies' Room Riddle Meme.
Ring in the Ladies' Room Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A bird, a monkey, and a squirrel are racing to the top of a coconut tree, all eyeing a delicious banana up there. Who will get it first?
Answer: None of them, because there is no banana; bananas don't grow on coconut trees!
Race to the Top of the Tree Riddle Meme.
Race to the Top of the Tree Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Bianca lives in a bungalow that is entirely blue–the walls are blue, the floor and ceiling are blue, and all of the furniture is blue. What color are the stairs?
Answer: A bungalow only has one floor; therefore, the stairs wouldn't be any color because they don't exist.
Bianca's Bungalow Riddle Meme.
Bianca's Bungalow Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.