Question: I give milk and have a horn but I'm not a cow?
What am I?
Answer: I carry milk
A milk truck
Question: Can you arrange the numbers 1 to 9 in the circles so that each straight line of three numbers totals 18?

Answer: Answer:
Question: I am thin, tall and I cannot walk but I have a tilted head . What am I!?
Answer: The number 1
Question: What do you call a funny book about eggs?
Answer: A yolk book.

Question: When is it dangerous to play cards?
Answer: When the joker is wild!

Question: I have an eye but cannot see. I am stronger and faster then any man alive but have no limbs.
What am I?
Answer: I'm a hurricane.
Question: I was carried into a dark room, and set on fire. I wept, and then my head was cut off.
What am I?
Answer: A Candle
Question: I have legs but walk not, a strong back but work not, two good arms but reach not, a seat but sit and tarry not. What am I?
Answer: An Armchair.
Question: At dusk I come without being fetched.  At dawn I disappear without being stolen.  I'm a poet's tears and a sailor's guide. What am I ?
Answer: They're in the night sky
Question: I have no legs or arms but I still eat with a fork everyday, What am I?
Answer: a snake