Phil Jones

Riddle Count: 144
Riddle: A man and a woman enter a crowded room where many people they have seen before are present. The man and the woman enter the room separately, but only one of them enters to a musical serenade. Another man speaks to each of them for a few minutes when the two get together in the room. The crowd has been quiet for the most part, and the familiar people seem to be in a happy mood, but when the man and the woman leave the room, they find the crowd is now outside waiting for them. When the crowd sees the man and the woman, they begin shouting and throwing food at the two as they try to depart the area. What was going on here, and why did the crowd pelt the man and the woman with food?
Answer: The man and the woman were getting married, and the food being thrown at them was rice.
Maniac Mob Riddle Meme.
Maniac Mob Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I believe my brother Sam may secretly be an actual mad scientist! In his home, he keeps several odd animals confined behind heavy, glass walls -- walls designed to never allow these creatures to escape! The most grotesque thing about these beasts is the fact that they have no stomachs -- that's right -- no stomachs!! And yet, he feels compelled to feed them every day-- so they will grow! Sam appears to have no fear of these beasts, but should they ever find a way to gain their freedom from their glass prison, things would get very, very messy! Is Sam in danger from these creatures? Should the authorities be contacted to stop Sam from feeding these stomach-less creatures and helping them to outgrow their restraining enclosure? Just what exactly are these beasts without stomachs, and could they be a danger to society?
Answer: My brother Sam has an aquarium in his home where he keeps several Koi fish. Koi fish have no stomachs, and are known to grow quite large.
My Brother —The Mad Scientist!!! Riddle Meme.
My Brother —The Mad Scientist!!! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: If someone were to write a biography about us, the following could be reported: #1 - Many famous people have sung about my type of ribbons over the years. #2 - My type of fever often occurs in children, ages 5 to 15. #3 - According to the book of Isaiah in the Bible, "Though your sins be as me, they shall be white as snow...." #4 - Rhett loved me, but did I love Rhett? Unfortunately, the answer was lost, as it went with the breeze. #5 - Author Nate H. wrote a famous book about my type of letter in 1850. Based on the biographical information above --- Who/what are we?
Answer: We are the biography of Scarlet.
#7 - The Biography of ??? Riddle Meme.
#7 - The Biography of ??? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Hidden in the poem below, a female's name you'll seek; just read and listen to the rhyme, but please, don't take a week! MYSTERY POEM: A pig that is not dirty, I might just one day see; but pigs and soap suds do not mix, in bathtub history! What is the female name you hear?
Answer: DAISY.
Hidden Female Mystery Rhyme III Riddle Meme.
Hidden Female Mystery Rhyme III Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Thirteen women are kneeling around a circle. A whistle blows, and suddenly all thirteen women began shouting out the names of their sons and daughters, while frantically waving their arms. At last, a whistle blows once again, and one of the women is awarded a trophy. What kind of insanity is happening here?
Answer: The thirteen women, along with their thirteen sons and daughters (all babies of a crawling age), are competing in a "Fastest Crawling Baby Contest." Initially, all of the babies were placed in the center of a circle, with the women kneeling outside of that circle. When the whistle blew, the first baby to crawl to their mother outside of the circle was the winner, and the trophy was subsequently awarded to her.
Curious Competition Riddle Meme.
Curious Competition Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A purveyor of baked goods is approached by a man with a very low I.Q. who wants to buy some of the baker's creations; however, the man with the low I.Q. has no credit or debit cards, no checks, and in fact, doesn't even have one red cent in his pocket to buy anything, so he is flatly denied any of the seller's goods. Who is this dolt who is trying to get something for nothing?
Answer: Simple Simon met a pieman going to the fair. Says Simple Simon to the pieman, "Let me taste your ware." Says the pieman to Simple Simon, "Show me first your penny." Says Simple Simon to the pieman, "Indeed, I have not any."
Not the Brightest Bulb Riddle Meme.
Not the Brightest Bulb Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: As you are getting off your plane, you are met by two animal quarantine officials who work for one of the 50 United States. They inform you that your pet squirrel, "Nut Job", is not allowed in their state, as their state is squirrel-free. They further inform you that ferrets, gerbils, hamsters, and snakes also do not exist in their state, and will never be welcome there. What kind of southern hospitality is this, and what is the name of this state?
Answer: The state is Hawaii, and the animals listed in the puzzle above do not exist in the state, because it is illegal to own or bring them onto any of the Hawaiian islands.
Whatever Happened to Southern Hospitality? Riddle Meme.
Whatever Happened to Southern Hospitality? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Hidden in the poem below, a female's name you'll seek; just read and listen to the rhyme, but please, don't take a week! MYSTERY POEM: Polar bears live at the North Pole they say, and penguins all live at the South; it's lucky those penguins live so far away, or they'd end up in polar bear's mouth! What is the female's name you hear?
Answer: OLIVE.
Hidden Female Mystery Rhyme II Riddle Meme.
Hidden Female Mystery Rhyme II Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Maggie and four of her gang members (A.K.A. the Maulers) cross paths with Big Bertha and four of her minions (A.K.A. The Bombers), and a major conflict ensues. Both gangs find themselves in a real jam, and neither side dare back out and risk losing face at this point. Suddenly, one of Maggie's own gang grabs Maggie by the arm and throws her forward with all of her strength, but Maggie does not feel betrayed, in fact, she is grateful. She does not run but moves ahead with great speed in an effort to sneak up on the opposing gang from behind. Unfortunately, Big Bertha is just behind Maggie, having planned the exact same strategy. Bertha then suddenly bashes Maggie in the thigh with a lowered shoulder, knocking Maggie off her feet, sending her sprawling. Big Bertha and her gang proceed to lay a major beating on Maggie's entire gang. Over 100 people witnessed this confrontation, but not one of them tried to intervene, or at least call the police. How calloused can people be; or is there some less harmful explanation for these events?
Answer: The Maulers and the Bombers are two women’s teams competing against one another in the game of Roller Derby, in front of a bunch of spectators.
If You’re Ever in a Jam Riddle Meme.
If You’re Ever in a Jam Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man decided to go for a walk. He made numerous stops during his stroll, hoping to hear some good news each time he stopped. Despite his usual excellent sense of direction, he realized he had been walking in circles. He was certain of this, as he noticed his favorite number 8 kept reappearing before his eyes. After continuing his walk for a long time, he finally received the good news he had been hoping for; and he then returned home, a little poorer than when he had started, but glad to be leaving with the sweet love of his life. What was going on in this bizarre-sounding narrative, and who/what was the sweet love of his life which was mentioned?
Answer: The man gave a monetary donation to participate in a cake walk. Eventually, his number was called for the space he was standing on, and he went home with the dessert he truly loved ———— a beautiful cake!
Worth the Walk Riddle Meme.
Worth the Walk Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.