I Have to Two Skins

Riddle Status: Re-look One

Reviewed once, need improvement

Fathers Day Riddles are hand picked Fathers Day Riddles for use by teachers in the classroom and for home school lessons. This fathers day riddles quiz provides the option to be downloaded as a PDF or printable directly from the Fathers Day Riddles quiz page.
5 logic puzzles are hand picked 5 logic puzzles for use by teachers in the classroom and for home school lessons. This 5 logic puzzles quiz provides the option to be downloaded as a PDF or printable directly from the 5 logic puzzles quiz page.
10 Best Riddles For Kids are hand picked 10 Best Riddles For Kids for use by teachers in the classroom and for home school lessons. This 10 best riddles for kids quiz provides the option to be downloaded as a PDF or printable directly from the 10 Best Riddles For Kids quiz page.

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New Riddles and Answers
Riddle: For his vegetable stew recipe, Adrian needs three tomatoes and three large carrots. He also needs less radishes than tomatoes, but more radishes than cucumbers. Assuming that Adrian only uses whole numbers of vegetables, how many of each other vegetable does he need?
Answer: Adrian needs two radishes and one cucumber.
Riddle: You are a monster hunter. You know that werewolves either tell only truths or only lies. One day, you meet up with your friends-Daniel and Cameron-and ask if either one of them is a werewolf. Daniel says, "Cameron is a lying werewolf. And I'm a human,". And Cameron says, "Daniel is telling the truth,". Can you identify who is who?
Answer: You know that werewolves cannot tell half-truths, so Daniel's statements have to both be either true or false. If they are both true, then Daniel is a human, and Cameron is a lying werewolf. But then, Cameron is telling the truth, too. This contradicts Daniel's second statement. Therefore, both of Daniel's statements are false, and Cameron is also lying. It means that Daniel is a werewolf and Cameron is a lying human.
Riddle: Two friends-Nora and Ashley-were going home after doing their weekly grocery shopping. Ashley began to complain about how heavy her bags were, and Nora responded, "If you gave me one of your bags, I'd have double the number of bags you have! And if I gave you one of mine, we'd have the same number of bags!". How many bags does each friend have?
Answer: Nora has seven bags, while Ashley has just five bags.
Riddle: Betty and Becky are twins, who love to lie on certain days. Betty lies on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, while Becky lies on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. One day, you come up to the twins and ask them what day it is. They say, "Yesterday was one of my lying days," in unison. What day is it?
Answer: It can't be Sunday because both girls would be telling the truth…and someone is obviously lying now. It can either be Monday or Thursday because on those days, either Betty or Becky lies. But if it's Monday, both girls would lie saying yesterday was a lying day. Therefore, it's Thursday; Betty is telling the truth, and Becky is lying.