Phil Jones

Riddle Count: 144
Riddle: Little William Dilly, a five-year-old kindergarten student, approached his mother after school one day and related the following story: "Today in school I saw a man-eating lion! Then I saw a man-eating tiger! Then I saw a man-eating panther!" "That’s nice," his mother replied, only half listening to him. William continued; "And then I saw a man-eating camel and a man-eating zebra, and a man-eating sheep!" This caught his mother’s attention. "Did your class go to the zoo today? I sent no permission slip; or is your wild imagination exposing itself again --- because there are no camels, zebras, or sheep that eat people," his mother replied. "Honest, mom! I really did see everything I just told you!" Indeed, young William had seen everything he had reported to his mother. How could it be possible for William to have actually seen all he claimed to see?
Answer: Little William’s kindergarten teacher was a man who enjoyed having fun with his students. At lunchtime that day, he took out a box of animal crackers, and holding up one animal at a time he would announce to the class, “You are now seeing a man eating lion, or a man eating sheep,” etc., and then proceed to eat each cracker, much to the children’s amusement. Little William was just reporting what he had seen his teacher doing and saying that day.
Man Eaters? Riddle Meme.
Man Eaters? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: The Mills family had traveled to their vacation cabin which was next to a large, beautiful lake in the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Mills and their three children, Brock (age 6), Cindy (age 7), and Susan (age 8) had come to the lake to relax for the weekend. They were all looking forward to taking a long, relaxing swim in the lake, and to try out the brand new boat Mr. Mills had just purchased for some family fun. As they were swimming near the middle of the lake, it dawned on Mr. Mills that their son Brock was not in the water with them. Suddenly, with no warning, the family heard motor sounds and saw their newly-purchased boat speeding directly toward them, accompanied by the maniacal laughter of their missing child, Brock. Again and again, Brock drove the boat directly at his vulnerable family, laughing insanely each time it passed near them. "I told Brock not to go near that boat unless I was with him," shouted Mr. Mills, "and now he's trying to kill us with it!" However, Mrs. Mills nonchalantly responded, "Oh, boys will be boys." Considering the circumstances, why was Mrs. Mills so cavalier concerning her son's disobedient and reckless behavior, and why did she seem unconcerned about her six-year-old driving a boat without supervision?
Answer: Mr. Mills had bought the family a new remote controlled boat, but bad boy Brock decided to ignore his father’s instructions, and sent the two-foot long boat on its maiden voyage as a mischievous prank on his family. I don’t envy Brock when his father reaches shore.
Brock Goes Berserk!!! Riddle Meme.
Brock Goes Berserk!!! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Uncle John, as he likes to be called, can't do the Twist like Chubby Checker did in the 1960s, but he loves to twist just the same. To be open and honest with you all, Uncle John earns his living through twisted ways. He especially enjoys exhibiting his twisted talents in front of young children. To gain their attention, he frequently gives gifts to these little boys and girls --- gifts including bicycles, flowers, and even small animals. He is often out of breath after exhibiting his twisted lifestyle to others. You might think the parents of these children would be repulsed by Uncle John, but instead, they often simply stand by, sometimes even applauding and encouraging this man!!! How can adults be so calloused as to allow this man to gain this type of control over their own children? What exactly is going on here?
Answer: Uncle John is a balloon twister who makes a living performing at children’s birthday parties. He can make almost anything out of balloons which he gives to the children; including bicycles, flowers, and small balloon animals. It’s also the reason he is often out of breath during his performances, as he has to blow up each balloon before he can twist them into the shape he wants.
Living By Twisted Means Riddle Meme.
Living By Twisted Means Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A husband and wife are seated facing each other with a barrier between them. Each one takes turns communicating with the other, each speaking only two words at a time. After each two-word message is conveyed, the other person answers with a one-word response. This goes on for some time, until at last, either the husband or his wife suddenly shouts out a four-word phrase which ends this scenario; however, this often causes either the husband or the wife to become angry or frustrated with the person who shouted the four-word phrase. What is going on here?
Answer: The husband and wife are playing the old game of BATTLESHIP. The two-word communications consist of a letter and a number for the coordinates of where the ships are hidden, and the one-word responses are either, "Hit" or "Miss". The final four word phrase which ends the game is, "You Sank My Battleship!"
The Games Some People Play Riddle Meme.
The Games Some People Play Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: "May Day! May Day! May Day! May Day!" shouted an angry wife to her cringing husband. "This is my official warning for you to remove that dead plant from this house before the stroke of midnight tonight!" "But it holds a lot of sweet memories from last year for me," responded her husband. His wife fired back with, "Today is the first of May, and you should have removed your precious plant from the premises months ago. Besides, it is both dead and brown and is now as sharp as a cactus, and to top it off, it has become a genuine fire hazard." Her husband sheepishly answered her by saying,” Well, I was hoping to set a Guinness world record for the family; but if I must dispose of it, the least you can do is help me remove all the shiny stuff from it first. What kind of a plant do you suppose this was which could create such a strange-sounding argument between this husband and wife?
Answer: The husband was having trouble parting with his beloved Christmas tree which was still standing in all of its tinseled glory in their living room, since it was erected in December of the previous year.
Going for a Guinness Riddle Meme.
Going for a Guinness Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Joan is both a collector and a trader. She has spent most of her adult life collecting and trading tiny, green keys. Joan, along with millions of Americans living today, love to see how many of these little keys they can gather; but they also like to trade them away for a wide variety of items including food, toys, furniture, services, boats, and even houses. Some people have even committed murder to possess these keys! Joan usually carries a supply of these little, green keys with her in her purse in case of emergency. Joan feels certain these keys will never rust, but she always tries to keep them as dry as possible. What exactly are these little green keys, and why do people seek them with such passion?
Answer: On the front side of each bill of paper money, a green seal is seen. Near the bottom of the green seal, a tiny green key is always found. Thus, whenever people spend, receive, or steal money, they are also exchanging these little green keys. Take some time to study your money more closely, and you will find a small weighing scale pictured in the same green seal just above the little green key. There are other interesting things to find on your money. A magnifying glass may be helpful in this endeavor.
Joan is both a collector and a trader she has spent most of her adult life collecting and trading tiny green keys Riddle Meme.
Joan is both a collector and a trader she has spent most of her adult life collecting and trading tiny green keys Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man took a walk in the park. While on his walk, he came across a stray dog who began growling at him and nipped at his heels. The man pulled a crooked stick from his knapsack, told the dog to, "Fetch!", and then threw the stick. The dog made a mad dash for the stick, then suddenly made a u-turn and ran back to the man ----- without the stick. The man laughed loudly. He then said to the dog, "Let's try this again." Throwing the same stick, the man again yelled, "Fetch!", and the dog took off as before, suddenly made a u-turn, and ran back to the man ----- again without having obtained the stick. The man laughed louder. This same series of events happened over, and over, and over again until the dog finally ----- bit the man on the leg. What was going on here that so infuriated the dog to cause him to bite the man?
Answer: The man had tormented the dog in the park in the past by telling the dog to fetch the crooked stick (wooden boomerang) he carried with him in his knapsack. The dog could never catch the boomerang, which always returned to the man after he threw it, thus frustrating the dog who only wanted to play. What goes around comes around, as they say, with boomerangs and in life.
Dog Day Afternoon Riddle Meme.
Dog Day Afternoon Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Inspector Bradstreet, a highly respected police detective with 25 years of investigative experience on the force, was in a room with four homicide suspects: Joan, Shirley, Dorothy, and Irene. He was in the room with the four of them for at least 15 minutes, but for some reason, he had not started interrogating the suspects, despite the fact that a dead body, which had a knife sticking out of its back, lay on the floor in the room with them. One of the four suspects had called 911 to summon the police at some point. Why hadn't this highly decorated and respected detective started his investigation into the obvious murder by questioning the four suspects? For what reason was he waiting?
Answer: Inspector Bradstreet was dead. It was his body that had the knife stuck in it.
Inspector Bradstreet a highly respected police detective with 25 years of investigative experience Riddle Meme.
Inspector Bradstreet a highly respected police detective with 25 years of investigative experience Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A carpenter built a new house on some property he owned. When he went to inspect his new house, he observed a large animal had taken up residence in the new house. However, the carpenter was not surprised by this. He made no attempt to chase the large animal from the house, nor did he call animal control to have the animal removed. In fact, he provided food and water to the animal on an ongoing basis at his own expense. Why wasn't the carpenter upset about the animal living in his newly built house?
Answer: The new house the carpenter had just built was a dog house. He built it for the new dog he had just purchased ----- a massive Saint Bernard.
HOUSE INVASION Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Marge and Lucille were best of friends, but both of them were highly competitive. One day they entered a grueling 50-mile bicycle race along with a large group of other contestants. Lucille was the more experienced of the two riders, but throughout the race, Marge was always out in front of her. Not once did she allow Lucille to pass her, but Lucille's fiery, competitive spirit would not be quenched, as she never let Marge out of her sight for even one instant. Even after 50 long miles, Marge and Lucille were only separated by a couple of feet, with Marge finally passing the finish line less than one second ahead of Lucille. Neither racer won, but they both finished in the top ten of all the competitors. After the race, Lucille was asked about her competing with her friend Marge. All Lucille would say was, "I couldn't have passed her, even if I had wanted to. In fact, it was impossible." What led Lucille to make such a bizarre statement?"
Answer: Marge and Lucille had been participating in a tandem bicycle race (bicycles built for two people).
Speed Racers Riddle Meme.
Speed Racers Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.