Riddle: A man with no eyes went out to view the skies.
He came apon an apple tree with apples on it.
He nor took apples nor left apples.
How many apples were on the tree?
Answer: This riddle is actually just a play on singular and plural words. I will brek the riddle down by line

A man with no eyes went out to view the skies.
- He didn't have "eyes" (meaning more than one) but he could have had "an eye"

He came apon an apple tree with apples on it.
- There was more than one apple on it when he saw the tree

He nor took apples nor left apples.
- He didn't take more than one apple but he could have taken one apple, and he diddn't leave more than one applebut he could have left one apple

So therefore if he had left only one apple and he to one apple from the tree then there was only two apples on the original tree.
A man with no eyes and an apple tree Riddle Meme.
A man with no eyes and an apple tree Riddle Meme.
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