Riddle: Which one of Santa's reindeer is the fastest?
Answer: Dasher.
Riddle: If fish lived on land, where would they live?
Answer: In Finland.
Riddle: What did the triangle say to the circle?
Answer: You’re pointless.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: How do you fix a broken jack-o-lantern?
Answer: With a pumpkin patch.
Riddle: What flowers are kissable?
Answer: Tulips (two-lips).
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: What did Adam say the day before Christmas?
Answer: It's Christmas, Eve!
Riddle: Why are Christmas trees bad at knitting?
Answer: Because they always drop their needles.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: When does a British potato change its nationality?
Answer: When it becomes a french fries.
Riddle: Where does a werewolf like to hide?
Answer: In your claws-it.
Riddle: Why is Peter Pan always flying?
Answer: He Neverlands.
Riddle: What has toes but no feet or legs?
Answer: Toma-toes.
Riddle: Two blondes were going to Disneyland and came to a fork in the road. One way said Highway 93 right and the other said Disneyland left. Why did the blondes go home?
Answer: Because they thought that Disneyland actually left.
Riddle: How do caterpillars swim laps?
Answer: They do the butterfly.
Riddle: What four-legged animal can jump higher than a house?
Answer: Any. Houses can't jump.
Riddle: Who always enjoys poor health?
Answer: A doctor.
Riddle: What did Sir Lancelot wear to bed?
Answer: A knight gown!
Riddle: Why did the turkey cross the road?
Answer: To prove he wasn't chicken.
Riddle: Which President wore the largest hat?
Answer: The one with the largest head.
Riddle: How do you know that a vampire loves baseball?
Answer: Because he turns into a bat every night.
Riddle: What happened to the broken-down frog?
Answer: It got toad (towed) away.