Riddle: A certain crime is punishable if attempted but not punishable if committed. What is it?
Answer: Suicide.
Riddle: I start with a "p" and ends with "o-r-n" and I'm a major player in the film industry. What am I?
Answer: Popcorn.
Riddle: I am a box that holds keys without locks, yet they can unlock your soul. What am I?
Answer: A Piano.
Riddles for Adults
Riddle: What's long and hard and has cum in it?
Answer: A cucumber!
Riddle: Four cars come to a four-way stop, all coming from a different direction. They can't decide who got there first, so they all go forward at the same time. They do not crash into each other, but all four cars go. How is this possible?
Answer: They all made right-hand turns.
Riddles for Adults
Riddle: I weaken all men for hours each day. I show you strange visions while you are away. I take you by night, by day take you back, None suffer to have me, but do from my lack. What am I?
Answer: Sleep.
Riddle: I can be short and sometimes hot. When displayed, I rarely impress. What am I?
Answer: I am your temper.
Riddles for Adults
Riddle: What do geologists do on their free time?
Answer: Go to rock concerts.
Riddle: My life is often a volume of grief, your help is needed to turn a new leaf. Stiff is my spine and my body is pale, but I'm always ready to tell a tale. What am I?
Answer: A book!
Riddle: What is the difference between a snowman and a snow-woman?
Answer: Snowballs.
Riddle: He has married many women, but has never been married. Who is he?
Answer: A preacher.
Riddle: What do you throw out when you want to use it but take in when you don't want to use it?
Answer: An anchor.
Riddle: The police are called to a roundhouse where a man is found dead with a knife wound to the chest. The police investigate and narrow down the suspects to three people: The maid, the wife, and the butcher. When questioned for alibis, the wife said, "I was out buying a dress with my friends, and I found my husband dead upon my return." The butcher said, "I was searching the cupboards for some vegetables to serve for lunch." The maid said, "I was in the other room, dusting the corners." The maid was then arrested. How did the police know it was her?
Answer: It was a round house, so there were no corners to dust.
Riddle: What has no hands but might knock on your door, and if it does you better open up?
Answer: Opportunity.
Riddle: What sweets do geologists like?
Answer: Rock candy.
Riddle: Where will you land if you jump off a two storey building?
Answer: In the hospital.
Riddle: It has keys but it only opens windows, it has a screen door but you don't look through it, you look at it, and it gives you most of the answers to your questions. What is it?
Answer: A laptop.
Riddle: In spring I am gay in handsome array; in summer more clothing I wear; when colder it grows I fling off my clothes; and in winter quite naked appear. What am I?
Answer: A Tree.
Riddle: A Panda Bear walked into a restaurant. He sat down at a table and ordered some food. When he was finished eating, he took out a gun and shot his waiter. He then left the restaurant. After the police caught up with him, they asked him why he had killed the waiter. He replied, "Look me up in the dictionary." What did the dictionary say?
Answer: When they looked up the word "Panda" in the dictionary, it stated, "Panda: Eats shoots and leaves."
Riddle: When you buy me I am costly, but the only use I have is just hanging. What am I?
Answer: Earrings.