Riddle: What does Santa do in his garden?
Answer: He Ho Ho Ho's!
Riddle: Who was the most famous Skeleton detective?
Answer: Sherlock Bones.
Riddle: What can be picked but not chosen?
Answer: A nose.
Riddles For Kids
Riddle: Your mom has 4 kids, one named North, another called South, and one East. What is the last child's name?
Answer: Your name, it's your mom, you're one of the 4 children!
Riddle: Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
Answer: Because it didn’t have the guts.
Riddles For Kids
Riddle: What do you call a fish with no eye's?
Answer: Fsh.
Riddle: How many bricks does it take to complete a brick building?
Answer: One brick.
Riddles For Kids
Riddle: If you put roast in a roaster, what do you put in toaster?
Answer: Bread.
Riddle: How can you say rabbit without using the letter R?
Answer: Bunny.
Riddle: When is homework not homework?
Answer: When it's done at school.
Riddle: What is a ghost's favorite fruit?
Riddle: What instrument does a skeleton play?
Answer: Trombone.
Riddle: All the electricity was out in town and none of the street lights or traffic signals had power. A dark limousine was cruising down the newly paved blacktop, with its headlights off. A young boy dressed totally in black (with no reflectors) stepped out to cross the street. The moon wasn't out and the boy had no flashlight, yet the driver stopped to let the boy cross the street. How did the driver see the boy?
Answer: The driver saw the boy because it was during the daylight hours.
Riddle: What has a heart but no other organs?
Answer: A deck of cards!
Riddle: A girl came running home crying because her boyfriend broke up with her. When she got home, she broke her phone and all of the pictures that had her boyfriend in it. What broke first?
Answer: Her heart because of her boyfriend.
Riddle: Joe is turning 17 this year, yet he turned 16 yesterday. How is this possible?
Answer: Joe's birthday is on December 31, the last day of the year. The current day was January 1st of the next year.
Riddle: Where does a snowman keep his money?
Answer: In a snow bank.
Riddle: You're sitting down for breakfast and realize you have 4 bagels left. You know you'll run out in four days so you cut them in half. How many bagels do you have now?
Answer: 4 Bagels.
Riddle: Jason is lying dead. He has an iron bar across his back and some food lying in front of him. How did Jason meet his sorry end?
Answer: He is a mouse caught in a mousetrap.
Riddle: What falls often but never gets hurt?
Answer: Snow.