Riddle: I am slim and tall, Many find me desirable and appealing. They touch me and I give a false good feeling. Once I shine in splendor, But only once and then no more. For many I am "to die for". What am I?
Answer: A Cigarette
Riddle: Suppose you want to send in the mail a valuable object to a friend. You have a box which is big enough to hold the object. The box has a locking ring which is large enough to have a lock attached and you have several locks with keys. However, your friend does not have the key to any lock that you have. You cannot send the key in an unlocked box since it may be stolen or copied. How do you send the valuable object, locked, to your friend - so it may be opened by your friend?
Answer: Send the box with a lock attached and locked. Your friend attaches his or her own lock and sends the box back to you. You remove your lock and send it back to your friend. Your friend may then remove the lock she or he put on and open the box.
Riddle: Sally, Lisa, and Bernadette are triplets. But Sally and Lisa share something that Berandette does not. What is it?
Answer: The letter L in their names.
Riddles for Adults
Riddle: As a whole, I am both safe and secure. Behead me, and I become a place of meeting. Behead me again, and I am the partner of ready. Restore me, and I become the domain of beasts. What am I?
Answer: Stable.
Riddle: Of no use to one Yet absolute bliss to two. The small boy gets it for nothing. The young man has to lie for it. The old man has to buy it. The baby's right, The lover's privilege, The hypocrite's mask. To the young girl, faith; To the married woman, hope; To the old maid, charity. What am I?
Answer: A Kiss.
Riddles for Adults
Riddle: As a whole, I am both safe and secure. Behead me, and I become a place of meeting. Behead me again, and I am the partner of ready. Restore me, and I become the domain of beasts. What am I?
Answer: A Stable
Riddle: Some cogs are tigs. All tigs are bons. Some bons are pabs. Some pabs are tigs. Therefore, cogs are definitely pabs.--- TRUE or FALSE?
Answer: False. Some cogs may be pabs, but not definitely all of them.
Riddles for Adults
Riddle: A woman who lives in new york legally married three men, she did not get divorce, get an enollment, or legally seperate. How is this possible?
Answer: She is a minister.
Riddle: Julie is going on an extended trip for three weeks. She lives in a remote area where there are frequent electrical power outages which can last up to three or four days. Julie has quite a bit of food in her freezer which would go bad if it thawed and then re-froze. She does have digital clock and a VCR which would flash 12:00 if the power went out. Unfortunately the clock and VCR flash even if the power only goes out for a few seconds. What can Julie do so that when she returns home she will be able to determine whether the power was out long enough to thaw her food? Asking a neighbor whether the power was out, isn't a reliable option because the nearest house is half a mile away, and one house may have power, while another house may have no power. She won?t be able to have a neighbor check on her house every day, and has no one to house sit.
Answer: One thing Julie could do is freeze a tray of ice-cubes, and turn the tray of ice upside down in her freezer. When she comes home, she should check the tray. If the ice cubes are still in the tray, the food is safe to eat. If the trays are empty, it's time to clean out the freezer. She will have to make a judgment call if the ice-cubes are only slightly thawed.
Riddle: Why is it that Snoop Dogg needs an umbrella?
Answer: Because of the drizzle.
Riddle: The answer I give is yes, but what I mean is no. What was the question?
Answer: Do you mind?
Riddle: Fred is listening to the raido when it suddenly stops playing. Nobody is with Fred and nobody touches the radio. A few seconds later, the radio resumes playing. How can this be?
Answer: Fred was driving his car through a tunnel.
Riddle: A Queen has twins by Caesarean section so it's impossible to tell who was born first. Now the twins are adults and ready to rule. One is intensely stupid, while the other is highly intelligent, well-loved, and charismatic. Yet the unintelligent one is chosen as the next ruler. Why?
Answer: He is a male.
Riddle: If you can buy 1 for $1, 14 for $2, and 145 for $3, what are you buying?
Answer: House numbers
Riddle: The land was white the seed was black It'll take a good scholar to riddle me that. What am I?
Answer: An eye or an eyeball
Riddle: Two grandmothers, with their two granddaughters; Two husbands, with their two wives; Two fathers, with their two daughters; Two mothers, with their two sons; Two maidens, with their two mothers; Two sisters, with their two brothers; Yet only six in all lie buried here; All born legitimate, from incest clear. How can this be?
Answer: Two widows each had a son, and each widow married the son of the other and then each had a daughter.
Riddle: There were 5 men traveling down a road and it started to rain and 4 men sped up, the 5th did not, but they all arrived at the same place at the same time but all of them were wet besides the 5th.  How?
Answer: He was dead and in a coffin.
Riddle: A camel travels a certain distance each day. Strangely enough, two of its legs travel 30 miles each day and the other two legs travel nearly 31 miles. It would seem that two of the camel's legs must be one mile ahead of the other two legs, but of course this can't be true. Since the camel is normal, how is this situation possible?
Answer: The camel operates a mill and travels in a circular clockwise direction. The two outside legs will travel a greater distance than the two inside legs.
Riddle: What three letters change a girl into a woman?
Answer: Replace the letters G, I, and R with the three letters A, D, and Y.  The word "lady" is another word for woman. Other possible answers: AGE, MRS, MOM...
Riddle: You go to the doctor because you're ill and he prescribes you with 3 pills and tells you to take them every half hour. How long do the pills last you?
Answer: An hour because the first pill doesn't take 30 min. to take.