Riddle: What has a foot on each side and one in the middle?
Answer: A yardstick.
Riddle: Which one of Santa's reindeer can you see in outer space?
Answer: Comet.
Riddle: What word is always pronounced wrong?
Answer: Wrong!
Good Riddles
Riddle: What did one math book say to the other math book?
Answer: Do you want to hear my problems?
Riddle: When do astronauts eat their sandwiches?
Answer: At launch time.
Good Riddles
Riddle: I always follow you around, everywhere you go at night. I look very bright to people, but I can make the sun dark. I can be in many different forms and shapes. What am I?
Answer: The moon!
Riddle: What food lives at the beach?
Answer: A sand-wich.
Good Riddles
Riddle: Lily is a lilypad in a small pond. Lilly doubles her size each day, On the 20th day she covers the whole pond. On what day was Lily half the size of the pond?
Answer: Day 19, it's not 10 because on day 20 she doubled from day 19, so 19 must be half the size of the pond.
Riddle: You can see it every day, But cannot touch it at will. What is it?
Answer: The sky.
Riddle: You have 5 kids and you have to get them all into a car. Tommy and Timmy are twins but they fight so they can't sit together. Sarah and Sally fight too, so they can't sit together. Max fights with his sisters so he can only sit by his brothers. There are 5 seats side by side and you have to put them in order. How would you seat the kids, so that everyone is happy?
Answer: Sarah, Tommy, Max, Timmy, and then Sally.
Riddle: What is a ghost's favorite dessert?
Answer: Ice Scream.
Riddle: I may be simple, I may be complex; I may have a name, but no gender or sex; I am often a question, or statement as a setup; I tend to have an answer, 'til you find it I won't let up. What am I?
Answer: A riddle.
Riddle: A cloud was my mother, the wind is my father, my son is the cool stream, and my daughter is the fruit of the land. A rainbow is my bed, the earth my final resting place, and I'm the torment of man. Who Am I?
Answer: Rain.
Riddle: If 5 cats catch 5 mice in 5 minutes, how long will it take one cat to catch a mouse?
Answer: Five minutes.
Riddle: I'm a god, a planet, and a measurer of heat. Who am I?
Answer: Mercury.
Riddle: Why didn't the Mummy have any friends?
Answer: He was too wrapped up in himself.
Riddle: I am six letters. When you take one away I am twelve. What am I?
Answer: The word Dozens.
Riddle: What asks no questions but requires many answers?
Answer: A doorbell.
Riddle: A farmer in California owns a beautiful pear tree. He supplies the fruit to a nearby grocery store. The store owner has called the farmer to see how much fruit is available for him to purchase. The farmer knows that the main trunk has 24 branches. Each branch has exactly 12 boughs and each bough has exactly 6 twigs. Since each twig bears one piece of fruit, how many plums will the farmer be able to deliver?
Answer: None. A pear tree does not bear plums.
Riddle: I run in and out of town all day and night. What am I?
Answer: A road.