Riddle: General Gasslefield, accused of high treason, is sentenced to death by court-martial. He is allowed to make a final statement, after which he will be shot if the statement is false or will be hung if the statement is true. Gasslefield makes his final statement and is released. The Question: What could he have said?
Answer: General Gasslefield said: "I will be shot." If this statement was true, he would have been hung and thus not be shot. But then his statement would be false, which implies that he should be shot, making the statement true again, etc... In other words: the verdict of the court-martial could not be executed and the general was released.
Riddle: Whether the weather is hot or cold, I will take you wherever you need to go. The direction you take will determine the place. There may be the most difficult roads, but they often lead to the most beautiful destinations. What am I?
Answer: A journey.
Riddle: Sometimes I am loud and viewed with distaste. Poke out my eye, then I'm on the front of your face. What am I?
Answer: A noise, remove the "eye" aka "i" and you get a nose.
Difficult Riddles
Riddle: During WWII, there was a bridge connecting Germany and Switzerland, and on the German side, there was a sentry tower with a guard in it. He would come out every three minutes to check on the bridge, and he had orders to turn back anyone who tried to get into Germany, and shoot anyone trying to escape without a pass. There was a woman who desperately needed to get into Switzerland, and she knew she didn't have time to get a pass. It would take her at least six minutes to cross the bridge, but she managed to do it. How?
Answer: When the sentry went into the tower, she would start to cross into Switzerland, and when he came out, she would start to walk back into Germany. When he saw her, he would tell her to turn back into Switzerland.
Riddle: I run, it runs, I stop, it runs. What it it?
Answer: My watch.
Difficult Riddles
Riddle: Shirley's two-year-old granddaughter carries around with her something Shirley recently purchased for her in the produce section of a local supermarket. The little girl has the item wrapped in a blanket, pretending it is her baby. She carries her "baby" with her everywhere she goes, and even sleeps with it at nighttime. However, the "baby" has no body, but consists of a brown head with two eyes and a mouth; or is it two eyes and a nose? Sometimes it is difficult to tell, but only the face of the baby peeks out from the surrounding blanket. What type of produce is this "baby" that Shirley's granddaughter carries around with her?
Answer: The two-year-old’s “baby” is actually a coconut which she wraps in a blanket, with the three circular indentations of the “face” turned outward.
Riddle: I Make Reading A Challenge, And That Can Cause Some Damage. I Am Difficult To Manage, But When That Happens, The Passage Is Much Less Savage. I Make Many People Frown, But The Answer Is Just To Slow Down. I Know This Is Not What You Had Planned, I Just Hope You Will Understand. What Am I?
Answer: I'm Dyslexia.
Difficult Riddles
Riddle: Since a person uses about the same amount of energy walking 2 miles as they would run for 2 miles, would a person use more energy running for 10 minutes, walking for ten minutes, or the same amount of energy?
Answer: Since a person running for 10 minutes would cover more distance than that same person would walking for 10 minutes, he would use more energy running for 10 minutes.
Riddle: When the day after tomorrow is yesterday, today will be as far from Wednesday as today was from Wednesday when the day before yesterday was tomorrow. What is the day after this day?
Answer: The day is Thursday!
Riddle: A man is in a room and the door is locked so he can't get out. He has with him a piano, a calendar, and a bed. How does he eat, drink, and get out?
Answer: He uses the dates from the calendar to eat, the springs from the bed to drink and the keys from the piano to get out.
Riddle: If I'm walking, then I must be running. However, if I'm running, I may be walking.  What am I?
Answer: A Treadmill.
Riddle: Even though the odds are always in favor of the gambling house, why does the establishment insist on a house limit on stakes?
Answer: Every casino in the world would go bankrupt without a house limit on stakes. Without it, gamblers would keep doubling their stakes until they won. No matter how bad a losing streak they were on, they would eventually win.
Riddle: No legs lay on one leg, Two legs sat near on three legs, Four legs got some. What is it?
Answer: Fish on a little table, man at table sitting on a stool, the cat has the bones.
Riddle: Crunchy, soft, and milky sweet. Bueno, luvit, and Golden tree. You can't say no, that's a difficult feat. But take too much and you harm your teeth. What am I?
Answer: The riddle "Crunchy soft and milky sweet Bueno luvit and Golden tree" is unanswered. Do you know the answer? If so, click ANSWER and add your answer in the comments section.
Riddle: With potent, flowery words speak I, Of something common, vulgar, dry; I weave webs of pedantic prose, In effort to befuddle those, Who think I while time away, In lofty things, above all-day The common kind that lingers where Monadic beings live and fare; Practical I may not be, But life, it seems, is full of me! What am I?
Answer: A riddler. ( or riddle )
Riddle: Can you read this? Yy u r Yy u b I c u Yy 4 me
Answer: Too wise you are, too wise you be, I see you too wise for me.
Riddle: Upon my top there is a golden shop wherein a dollar can't be spent. Along my sides stretch nature's slides which will never relent. At my feet where people meet full of ire, dread and lament. What am I?
Answer: A mountain. On the top one can find clarity and make memories that a conventional shop can't sell. Nature's slides are rivers. At my feet or foot of the mountain is the first step and place everyone has to be to begin the climb, which will be difficult (ire, dread and lament)
Riddle: Three American military veterans: Ron(Army), Terry(Army), and Ron(Marines) retired from their military careers and decided to go into business together. Using all of their engineering knowledge and expertise, the three veterans have revamped an idea for an old device, made many improvements to it, and are now trying to patent it under the name: The Ron - Terry - Ron device, or (R.T.R). They advertise it by saying, "The R.T.R is designed only for those who want to move forward in life, but never backward. It is guaranteed to get your heart pumping, your blood pressure rising, and your armpits sweating"(classy advertising by these veterans). The advertising continues: "The R.T.R. is for the person who tries to move ahead, but always ends up exactly where they started." The only problem with the R.T.R device is, to use one, you will have to ignore the Gadsden flag(i.e., the one with the coiled rattlesnake pictured on it) and its famous motto. Forrest Gump would be very proud of these veterans. Just exactly what is the Ron - Terry - Ron (R.T.R.) device, and why must the Gadsden flag motto be ignored by its users?
Answer: The three veterans have made some innovative improvements to a basic Treadmill design, and are trying to patent these improvements in the hope of selling their newly created device. Of course, these veterans realize that anyone who uses their new product will be violating the early Continental Marine message and motto of the famous Gadsden flag which states, "Don't Tread on Me". Just as Forrest Gump was encouraged to "Run - Forrest - Run", we wish success to these three veterans with the words, "Ron - Terry - Ron".
Riddle: Completely round, they are very white. After a full meal and a refreshing bath, they lie down together. What are they?
Answer: A stack of white ceramic bowls.
Riddle: A man runs along a hall with a piece of paper. When the lights flicker, he drops to his knees and begins to cry. Why?
Answer: He is running to deliver a pardon, and the flickering lights indicate the convict to be pardoned has just been electrocuted.