Riddle: Ten men, five women, and 15 three-year-olds are being watched by thousands of cheering people. The men and the women and the three-year-olds are observed slowly entering 15 box-like structures, each having iron bars in the front. The men and women are not related to the three-year-olds, but at times witnesses have reported seeing these adults whip these three-year-olds to force them to obey their commands. Fortunately, the barred doors suddenly spring open and the men, women, and three-year-olds make their escape; however, they are easily tracked, as they always feel compelled to travel to the left, and never to the right. The thousands of people watching these proceedings are all waiting to see who will be the first to meet their end. These circumstances are inexcusable in a civilized society! How can thousands of people just idly sit by and cheer while a group of men and women whip a bunch of three-year-olds before their very eyes? What is wrong with society? Or, is there a simple explanation for these bizarre-sounding events? Just what exactly is going on here?
Answer: With a maximum of 20 entrants in each race, the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, and the Belmont Stakes feature only three-year-old thoroughbreds racing from their starting gates to their end at the finish line. Not all of the jockeys use whips on their horses, but many still do. By the way, to answer the title question: at the start of every race, they are not on —— They’re off!!!
Riddle: A young man named Orion is carrying a large, double-edged axe. He is stalking his prey, possessed by one single thought -- to kill! His hands are calloused, but his soul is not, as he always strives to be kind to others, despite his strong desire to kill. He has killed 11 times already today, but he feels compelled to kill at least two more times because that very morning Orion believes he heard a voice instructing him to kill no fewer than 13 today. Orion plans to use his axe to kill only those older than 50 years of age. Many other people have witnessed his multiple axe killings, but no one has ever tried to intervene or report his actions to the police. What is wrong with these people? It appears obvious that Orion is seriously mentally ill and suffers from auditory hallucinations with delusional thinking. How can his killing spree possibly be ignored? Or, is there some reasonable explanation for these events? Just what in the world is happening here?
Answer: Orion works as a lumberjack. At the start of his work, Orion’s boss instructed him to meet his quota for the day by using his axe to chop down at least 13 mature trees.
Riddle: The land is white. The seed is black. It will take a good scholar To riddle me that.
Answer: A book.
Brain Teasers
Riddle: Why is a manhole cover round and not square? Can you guess the two reasons?
Answer: 1: It can't fall through the hole like a square one could. 2: It can easily be moved by rolling.
Riddle: In a far-off kingdom, there is a castle with five rooms. Each room has a door with a different color: blue, red, green, yellow, or purple. Inside each room, there is a person with a different nationality: American, British, Canadian, Dutch, and Estonian. Each person has a favorite animal, which is also different for each person: cat, dog, elephant, giraffe, and horse. Additionally, each person has a favorite food, which is different for each person: pizza, sushi, spaghetti, tacos, and waffles. Using the following clues, can you figure out who lives in each room, what their nationality is, what their favorite animal is, and what their favorite food is? The person in the blue room is not Dutch or Estonian. The British person's favorite animal is a horse. The person who likes sushi lives in the red room. The Canadian person likes pizza. The Dutch person lives in the green room. The person who likes tacos lives in the yellow room. The American person's favorite animal is a giraffe. The person who likes waffles lives in the purple room. The person who likes spaghetti is Estonian. The person who likes elephants lives in the room adjacent to the person who likes giraffes.
Answer: The blue room: American, favourite animal is a giraffe, favourite food is sushi. Red room: British, favourite animal is a horse, favourite food is tacos. The green room: Dutch, favourite animal is a cat, favourite food is spaghetti. Yellow room: Canadian, favourite animal is an elephant, favourite food is pizza. Purple room: Estonian, favourite animal is a dog, favourite food is waffles. Explanation: Clue #1 tells us that the person in the blue room cannot be Dutch or Estonian. This leaves us with American, British, Canadian, and Estonian. We can use other clues to narrow it down further. Clue #2 tells us that the British person's favourite animal is a horse, so they cannot be in the blue room. This leaves us with American, Canadian, and Estonian. Clue #3 tells us that the person who likes sushi lives in the red room, so the American person must be in the blue room. Clue #4 tells us that the Canadian person likes pizza, so they must be in the yellow room. Clue #5 tells us that the Dutch person lives in the green room, so they cannot be in the yellow room. This leaves us with British and Estonian. Clue #6 tells us that the person who likes tacos lives in the yellow room, so the British person must be in the red room. Clue #7 tells us that the American person's favourite animal is a giraffe, so they must be in the blue room. Clue #8 tells us that the person who likes waffles lives in the purple room, so the Estonian person must be in the purple room. Clue #9 tells us that the Estonian person likes spaghetti, so the Dutch person must like cats. Clue #10 tells us that the person who likes elephants lives in the room adjacent to the person who likes giraffes, so the Canadian person is just like an elephant. So the final solution is The blue room: American, favourite animal is a giraffe, favourite food is sushi. Red room: British, favourite animal is a horse, favourite food is tacos. The green room: Dutch, favourite animal is a cat, favourite food is spaghetti. Yellow room: Canadian, favourite animal is an elephant, favourite food is pizza. Purple room: Estonian, favourite animal is a dog, favourite food is waffles
Brain Teasers
Riddle: In the realm of intellect and wit, where riddles intertwine, a labyrinthine puzzle tests the sharpest mind. Within this riddle's depths, a story of knights and kings and a treasure untold shall unfold. Imagine a mighty chessboard, with sixty-four squares so grand, where black and white alternate, a captivating land. Upon this board, two knights are placed, noble in their might. Their mission: to find the treasure hidden out of sight. But here's the twist, the tricky part, the puzzle's cunning scheme: the knights must journey together, a duo they must seem. One knight moves north, then two steps to the right, while the other takes a diagonal leap, a path both swift and light. They continue their pursuit, weaving through the chessboard's squares, till they've visited each and every one, proving their thorough care. Now comes the question, the riddle's hidden key: how many times did their paths cross, tell me if you see. Remember, their moves are synchronized, each step taken as a pair. Calculate their crossings, and unravel the secret with care.
Answer: To find the number of times the paths of the two knights cross, we need to analyze their movements on the chessboard. Let's assign coordinates to the squares of the chessboard. We can label the columns as A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H (from left to right), and the rows as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (from bottom to top). Now, let's examine the movements of the knights. The first knight moves one square north and two squares to the right, which can be represented as (2, 1) on the coordinate plane. The second knight takes a diagonal leap, moving one square northeast, which can be represented as (1, 1). We'll start by assuming the initial position of both knights is (0, 0). Now, let's track their movements: The first knight moves to (2, 1). The second knight moves to (1, 1). The first knight moves to (3, 2). The second knight moves to (2, 3). The first knight moves to (4, 4). By analyzing their movements, we can see that the knights' paths intersected once at the coordinate (2, 3). Therefore, the answer is that the paths of the knights cross once.
Riddle: We are five little objects of an everyday sort. You will find us all in a tennis court. What are we?
Answer: Vowels.
Brain Teasers
Riddle: A certain large animal lives happily and thrives here on Earth. One day, every single one of these critters is wiped out by a mysterious disease that affects only this particular animal. There are none left anywhere on earth -- they are all gone. About a year or so later, they begin to reappear on Earth again. How can this be?
Answer: The animal is the Mule. Since all Mules are born sterile, you can only get a Mule by crossing a donkey with a horse. That is how the species is able to repopulate itself.
Riddle: A mother has 6 daughters. The 1st one was watching television, The 2nd was sleeping, The 3rd was at school, The 4th was playing chess, and The 5th was playing with her phone, what was the 6th daughter doing?
Answer: Playing chess with the 4th daughter!
Riddle: In shadows it dances, in daylight, it gleams, Found in the echoes of both waking and dreams. It lingers in whispers, a secret untold, In the tapestry of tales, its threads unfold. It weaves through the chapters of joy and despair, A silent companion in the heart’s deep lair. From the mountain’s proud peak to the valley so low, It flows with the rivers that steadily grow. It’s sung in the songs of the ages gone by, A constant companion, though silent, oh my! What am I?
Answer: The letter R.
Riddle: Jordan is leaving from a small town in Wyoming and hiking through the wilderness to a post where he will spend the summer. The hike will take Jordan six days. One man can only carry enough food and water for four days. Jordan cannot take a mule or any other animal to haul his food and water, because there will be insufficient food and supplies for the animals at his destination. How can Jordan make it to his destination?
Answer: Jordan takes two other hikers with him. Each hiker starts out with a four day supply of food and water. After the first day, the first hiker gives a one day supply to each Jordan and the second hiker. This leaves the first hiker with a one day supply to go home and Jordan and the second hiker now each have a four day supply again. After the second day, the second hiker gives Jordan a one day supply and keep a two day supply for himself so that he can get home. This gives Jordan a four day supply of food and water, and now he has enough to reach his destination.
Riddle: A box without hinges, key or lid, Yet golden treasure inside is hid. What am I?
Answer: An egg.
Riddle: What is special about the number 854,917,632?
Answer: It contains the numbers 1-9 in alphabetical order.
Riddle: F-S-T-F-F-S What's next?
Answer: S First Second third fourth fifth sixth, ____seventh
Riddle: This makes the heart grow "FOUNDER"... Not FONDER. What is it?
Answer: The letter U.
Riddle: Gaze at this sentence for just about sixty seconds and then explain what makes it quite different from the average sentence. Quick! What is it?
Answer: It contains all of the letters in the alphabet.
Riddle: 3 men go into a motel. The man behind the desk said the room is $30, so each man paid $10 and went to the room. A while later the man behind the desk realized the room was only $25, so he sent the bellboy to the 3 guys' room with $5. On the way the bellboy couldn't figure out how to split $5 evenly between 3 men, so he gave each man $1 and kept the other $2 for himself. This meant that the 3 men each paid $9 for the room, which is a total of $27, add the $2 that the bellboy kept = $29. Where is the other dollar?
Answer: The three men HAVE paid $27. But the bellboy's $2 are part of it. The hotel has $25 of the men's dollars. The bellboy has the other two. That's $27, and the three the men have make $30. The riddle is confusing because it would add the bellboy's $2 to the men's $27. But the men don't HAVE $27, nine each. They each PAID $9 for a total of $27, of which the hotel has $25 and the bellboy has $2. They HAVE $1 each. Add that to the two the bellboy has, and the $25 in the cash drawer (together the men's $27), and you have accounted for all thirty. I came across this riddle elsewhere on riddles.com, but the answer given was "I don't know"! So I figured it out and posted it.
Riddle: I come in a cone but I am not food; I will be skewed if you screw with my hue; I come by the millions but you can probably only name a few. What am I?
Answer: Colors.
Riddle: Other than being colors, what do the words orange, silver, and purple have in common?
Answer: There are no words in the English language that rhyme with them.
Riddle: Three matches are sitting on a table. Without adding another make for three matches four. You are not allowed to break any of the matches. How can this be done?
Answer: Shape the 3 matches into a roman numeral four.