Riddle: I know a word of letters three, add two and fewer there will be?
Answer: The word "few". Add "er" and it becomes fewer.
Riddle: A structure with two occupants, sometimes one, rarely three. Break the walls, eat the borders, then throw away me. What am I?
Answer: A peanut.
Riddle: Roman numeral IX is equal to 9. How can you transform IX into six by adding one line?
Answer: Add an "S" before IX and you have SIX.
Brain Teasers
Riddle: I can run but cannot walk, everywhere you go I am already there. What am I?
Answer: Your nose.
Riddle: What house has post on top, A roof at the bottom, While the rain comes from below?
Answer: A boat.
Brain Teasers
Riddle: Imagine Johnny, a party clown, is carrying three pieces of gold each piece weighing one kilogram. While taking a walk he comes to a bridge that has a sign posted saying the bridge could hold only a maximum of 80 kilograms. John weighs 78 kilograms and the gold weighs three kilograms. Johnny reads the sign and still safely crossed the bridge with all the gold. How did he manage this?
Answer: Johnny is a clown so he has mastered juggling. When he came to the bridge he juggled the gold, always keeping one piece in the air.
Riddle: What can bring back the dead; make us cry, make us laugh, make us young; born in an instant yet lasts a lifetime?
Answer: Memories.
Brain Teasers
Riddle: Do you know anything that has four eyes?
Answer: Yes, Mississippi.
Riddle: My call, I pray, at dawn of day, Shall rest you from your slumber, With job all done, my song all sung, I'll sit on seat of lumber. What am I?
Answer: A Rooster.
Riddle: Round as a button, Deep as a well. If you want me to talk, You must first pull my tail. What am I?
Answer: A bell.
Riddle: You need me to see me, I can be quite pretty; I come in different shades, But no shapes or sizes; What am I?
Answer: An eye.
Riddle: I'm essential to most flight, But can't fly on my own. What am I?
Answer: Feathers.
Riddle: What comes once in a year, twice in a month, thrice in a week, and 4 times in a day?
Answer: The letter 'R'.Once in YEAR. Twice in the month: FEBRUARY. Three times in the days of a week: SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Four times in the times of a day: ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE, TEN, ELEVEN, and TWELVE (X2 for AM & PM).
Riddle: It's Thanksgiving, and your mom has enlisted your help in making dessert. She has settled on pie, so the two of you get to work. You turn your back for one second before realizing a pie is missing from the lineup. There were 2 apples, 1 cherry, 1 pumpkin, and 1 blueberry. Unfortunately, the blueberry one is missing. You decide to go question your siblings and find out who knows something. They all claimed to be in their rooms at the time of the baking. You: Okay, who took it? We had 5 pies ready for the feast when everyone gets here and now we're down to 4. Do any of you know where the missing pie went? Wendy: What?! You're accusing me? I bet you ate it. You probably couldn't resist and are trying to frame us again! Damien: I don't know, check in Wally's room? You know how much he likes blueberry and apple pie, right? Tess: I'm allergic to blueberry, you know that! Mom had to warn me so I wouldn't eat it when the time came! Wally: Come on, I may like pie, but do you really think I would sneak behind Mommy's back and eat it? It's pretty clear to you who ate the pie. You tell your mom what they said and she gathered them all into the living room. "Okay," she said to you, "on the count of three, point to who you think did it. I'll do it too. One - two - three!" You and your mom point to the same person... who did you point to?
Answer: Damien. You may think it's Tess, but she would know about the flavor because your mom told her. But how would Damien know about it?
Riddle: Dorothy is not a violent person, yet she carries a hard, round object in her purse which she occasionally throws at people. She thinks others find her actions amusing, and they do for the most part; but many people flinch when she does throw the object directly toward them. The danger is minimal however, as the object returns to her, most of the time, and she never throws the object with the intention of harming anyone. Dorothy considers herself to be an entertainer of sorts, using the round object and some string to amuse anyone willing to watch her. She uses the object to perform some amazing, gravity-defying stunts. Dorothy says she got the idea for this attention-grabbing activity while working part time as a dog walker. Is Dorothy a menace to society who should be reported to the authorities, or is she just providing a little innocent fun for those who watch her? Just what is the hard, round object Dorothy carries in her purse?
Answer: Dorothy carries a yo-yo in her purse, and puts on a dazzling display of various tricks for onlookers. She even performs classic yo-yo moves such as the famous walk-the-dog maneuver.
Riddle: Four men sat down to play, They played all night till the break of day. They played for gold and not for fun, With separate scores for every one. When they had come to square accounts, They all had made quite fair amounts. Can you the paradox explain, If no one lost, how all could gain?
Answer: The men were musicians..
Riddle: Monica took part in a furiously competitive race, which she won due to her speed and agility. Despite this, she was not allowed to collect the winning trophy. Why?
Answer: Monica is the name of the horse that won the race.
Riddle: A group of boys and girls are out after dark, stalking people in their homes in a Chicago neighborhood. The intimidation starts with the bravest of the youths ringing the bell or knocking at the door. When the homeowner answers the door, the children, in unison, begin to verbally threaten that person with a three-word threat, which often results in their demands being met. All of the boys and girls have chosen to disguise themselves so they can't be identified. It is hard to believe, but there are even a few adults who are walking along with the group, who actually encourage this brash behavior. Do these adults have no shame? Are these boys and girls being trained to be the criminals of the future? What exactly is going on here, and what is the three-word threat this group of ruffians use to intimidate people in their neighborhood?
Answer: It is Halloween night, and this group of boys and girls, accompanied by a few adults, are out in their neighborhood seeking candy and other goodies. The three-word threat they used at each house: “Trick or treat.”
Riddle: What has 4 letters and sometimes 9 but never has 5 letters and always has 6 letters. What is the answer to this tricky riddle?
Answer: "What" has 4 letters. "Sometimes" has 9 letters. "Never" has 5 letters. "Always" has 6 letters.
Riddle: Face with a tree, skin like the sea. A great beast I am, yet vermin frightens me. What am I?
Answer: An Elephant.