Riddle: They can trickle down, They can tickle too. Or make you sneeze, Or comfort you. Their rustling sound, you've rarely heard, Unless you're a pillow or a bird! What are they?
Answer: They are feathers.
Riddle: What is dark but made by light?
Answer: A shadow. A shadow is a dark area or shape produced by an object coming between rays of light and a surface.
Riddle: Dorothy attended her family reunion last summer, but she reported an odd incident during the festivities. She was watching a group of adults and a group of children competing against one another in a race of about 30 yards. Dorothy was surprised to see a child win the race, but Dorothy also noted she was unable to see any of the participant's legs during the race. Dorothy has excellent vision, and her mental faculties are intact, but neither she nor any of the other spectators were able to see any sign of the racer's legs during the brief competition. Since none of the racers were amputees, and Dorothy wasn't imagining things, what do you suppose was the cause of her inability to see any of the racer’s legs during the race?
Answer: The adults and children were participating in a sack race at the family reunion.
Brain Teasers
Riddle: This thing all things devours: Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grinds hard stones to meal; Slays king, ruins town, And beats high mountain down. What am I?
Answer: Time!
Riddle: Once upon a time, in a temple, there were three deities: Truth, Lie, and Wisdom. The Truth Deity always told the truth. The Lie Deity always told the lie. The Wisdom Deity sometimes told the truth, sometimes told the lie. Unfortunately, those three deities looked exactly the same, so no one could distinguish them. One day, a sage came by and he differentiated them by the following trick: He asked the deity sitting on the left: "Who is the middle deity?"- "Truth", said the deity. He asked the deity sitting in the middle: "Who are you?"- "Wisdom", replied the deity. He asked the deity sitting on the right: "Who is the middle deities?"- "Lie", the deity answered. How could the sage distinguish the three deities?
Answer: The left deity is Wisdom; the middle one is Lie, and the right one is Truth. Explain: The left deity (L) said that the middle one (M) is Truth; therefore, L cannot be Truth (because there cannot be two Truth Deities!). M said he was Wisdom; therefore, he cannot be Truth. Thus, R is Truth. According to him, M is Lie and as a result, L is Wisdom.
Brain Teasers
Riddle: A horse jumps over a tower and the tower disappears. It's not an illusion or a dream. So where could this happen?
Answer: On a chessboard.
Riddle: A bottle costs a dollar more than a cork. Together they cost 110 cents. How much does the bottle cost and how much does the cork cost?
Answer: The right answer is that the bottle costs 105 cents, and the cork costs 5 cents.
Brain Teasers
Riddle: "May Day! May Day! May Day! May Day!" shouted an angry wife to her cringing husband. "This is my official warning for you to remove that dead plant from this house before the stroke of midnight tonight!" "But it holds a lot of sweet memories from last year for me," responded her husband. His wife fired back with, "Today is the first of May, and you should have removed your precious plant from the premises months ago. Besides, it is both dead and brown and is now as sharp as a cactus, and to top it off, it has become a genuine fire hazard." Her husband sheepishly answered her by saying,” Well, I was hoping to set a Guinness world record for the family; but if I must dispose of it, the least you can do is help me remove all the shiny stuff from it first. What kind of a plant do you suppose this was which could create such a strange-sounding argument between this husband and wife?
Answer: The husband was having trouble parting with his beloved Christmas tree which was still standing in all of its tinseled glory in their living room, since it was erected in December of the previous year.
Riddle: What has 4 letters and sometimes 9 but never has 5 letters and always has 6 letters. What is the answer to this tricky riddle?
Answer: "What" has 4 letters. "Sometimes" has 9 letters. "Never" has 5 letters. "Always" has 6 letters.
Riddle: I build up castles. I tear down mountains. I make some men blind, I help others to see. What am I?
Answer: Sand.
Riddle: You draw a line. Without touching it, how do you make the line longer?
Answer: You draw a shorter line next to it, and then it becomes the longer line.
Riddle: I came to prominence in the world during a time of trouble. I brought people together but helped keep them apart. I sound like I should go fast, but I am well known for taking too long to finish. What am I?
Answer: A Zoom meeting.
Riddle: If someone says to you, "I'll bet you $1 that if you give me $2, I will give you $3 in return", would this be a good bet for you to accept?
Answer: No. This is a situation where you lose even if you win. Assuming the other person is being wise, they would take your $2 and say, "I lose", and give you $1 in return. You win the bet, but you're out $1.
Riddle: A woman was horrified to find a fly in her tea. The waiter took her cup and went into the kitchen and returned with a fresh cup of tea. She shouted, "You brought me the same tea!" How did she know?
Answer: She had already put sugar in it and when she tasted the new tea it was already sweet.
Riddle: Bouncing Bob was riding a particularly frisky horse when suddenly its bridle came off. As they raced down the road, a screaming Bob clung to the horse's ears for dear life. Out of the corner of his eye, Bob saw a car coming, and realizing the horse was completely out of control, he panicked. Flailing his arms about, he accidentally caused the horse to come to an abrupt halt. What could Bouncing Bob have done to make the horse stop?
Answer: Bob accidentally put his hands over the horse's eyes. If a horse can't see he will automatically stop.
Riddle: How can you make a needle float?
Answer: Take a thin piece of tissue paper and place the tissue paper under the needle before putting the needle in the water. The tissue paper will eventually sink and the needle will remain floating.
Riddle: Whether the weather is hot or cold, I will take you wherever you need to go. The direction you take will determine the place. There may be the most difficult roads, but they often lead to the most beautiful destinations. What am I?
Answer: A journey.
Riddle: Uncle John, as he likes to be called, can't do the Twist like Chubby Checker did in the 1960s, but he loves to twist just the same. To be open and honest with you all, Uncle John earns his living through twisted ways. He especially enjoys exhibiting his twisted talents in front of young children. To gain their attention, he frequently gives gifts to these little boys and girls --- gifts including bicycles, flowers, and even small animals. He is often out of breath after exhibiting his twisted lifestyle to others. You might think the parents of these children would be repulsed by Uncle John, but instead, they often simply stand by, sometimes even applauding and encouraging this man!!! How can adults be so calloused as to allow this man to gain this type of control over their own children? What exactly is going on here?
Answer: Uncle John is a balloon twister who makes a living performing at children’s birthday parties. He can make almost anything out of balloons which he gives to the children; including bicycles, flowers, and small balloon animals. It’s also the reason he is often out of breath during his performances, as he has to blow up each balloon before he can twist them into the shape he wants.
Riddle: What 7-letter word has all 5 vowels and a q in it?
Answer: Sequoia.
Riddle: The distance from the Earth to the Sun is about 100 million miles. The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second, and light takes eight minutes to reach the Earth from the Sun. Let's say the Sun rose at 6am this morning, and that by some freak of physics the speed of light is suddenly doubled to 372,000 miles a second. What time will the Sun rise tomorrow?
Answer: 6am again. After all, what diffrence does the speed of light make to the answer?  It's irrelevant- only the speed of the roation of the Earth matters here.