Riddle: As small as your thumb, I am light in the air. You may hear me before you see me, but trust that I'm here. What am I?
Answer: A hummingbird
Riddle: Even if you don't love me, you probably like me a little bit. Your friends probably feel the same way about me, but I might still drive them away if we spend too much time together. I know I've made you cry, but I never meant to hurt you. Anyway, it should be me who cries. You know how thin-skinned I am. Who am I?
Answer: An onion.
Riddle: Jim and Joey were on vacation and driving along a deserted country road from the town of Kaysville to the town of Lynnville. They came to multiple forks in the road. The signpost had been knocked down and they were faced with choosing one of five different directions. Since they had left their map at the last gas station and there was no one around to ask, how could Jim and Joey find their way to Lynnville?
Answer: They need to stand the signpost up so that the arm reading Kaysville points in the direction of Kaysville, the town they had just come from. With one arm pointing the correct way, the other arms will also point in the right direction.
Brain Teasers
Riddle: What happened when the painter threw his painting at the old man?
Answer: He had an art attack.
Riddle: What is large, yet never grows; has roots that cannot be seen; and is taller than trees?
Answer: A mountain.
Brain Teasers
Riddle: Dorothy has never expressed suicidal thoughts, but whenever she experiences feelings of sadness or depression, she makes arrangements to travel to a very high spot that she has visited on numerous occasions. Once there, she proceeds to jump from that great height. The fascinating fact though is she has never been injured from this leap, and in fact, she tells everyone that she feels much better afterward. If she’s not suicidal, then what is going on here, and why has she never been injured, or even worse, died from her risky actions?
Answer: There are several possible solutions to this brain teaser. Either Dorothy is a parachutist, or a ski jumper, or a hang glider enthusiast. There may be other possible solutions.
Riddle: A businesswoman named Coraline was at her place of work when a young man entered. "You look like a Clark to me," said Coraline in greeting him. The man responded, "You are exactly right," and he exchanged something with her and then left. A second man entered and said, "I'm really hungry, and am looking for the nearest fast-food place." "I suggest you take 5th Avenue," answered Coraline. He then exchanged something with her and left. A rather heavy-set woman then came through the door and Coraline said, "You are definitely a chunky person!" Seemingly unaffected by the comment, the woman said, "I certainly have to agree with you," and she then exchanged something with Coraline and then departed. A policewoman then entered and said in a serious voice, "I received a tip that one of the Peanuts gang was hiding in here, and I came to take her in. "She is here," replied Coraline, and she turned her over to the officer in exchange for something. Finally, a shady-looking character came slinking in, carrying a black briefcase. "Why are you here?" asked Coraline. "It's not payday again, is it?" "You got it, Sweetie!" he replied, and he exchanged something with her and then left. What in the world was going on here, and what kind of business was Coraline operating?
Answer: Coraline was the owner and operator of a candy shop. Most of her customers were repeat customers, and she was very familiar with their specific requests before they ever stated them. In order of their entry into her store, she offered them: A Clark bar, a 5th Avenue candy bar, a Chunky square, a Peppermint Patty, and a Payday bar. Each customer simply paid for their selection and left with their favorite candy.
Brain Teasers
Riddle: I'm alive and I die. When cut, I bleed I do not fear the seasons. I make my home above yet below the land. I'm a friend to man and beastie, yet hunted by both. My bones are always within sight. What am I?
Answer: A Tree.
Riddle: A history teacher was speaking to his 10th-grade class one day when he presented them with this unusual riddle: “Mark Twain and Santa Claus were both familiar with me. Each one of us has an icy body and two tails, but we are not associated with Sonic the Hedgehog. We are never outguessed, but we are often outgassed. Many people today put me to work in their homes, but I never receive any payment for my service, despite the fact I was born in America. Lastly, I am considered to be the big sister of a famous falcon, but my life span was short --from1960 to 1977.” “Teacher,” said the brightest student in the class,” are you trying to confuse us by talking about five different things that have the same name?” “Maybe I am,” said the teacher. “Maybe I am.”What was the solution to his bizarre-sounding riddle?
Answer: The teacher was referring to Halley’s Comet; one of Santa’s reindeer (Comet); a comet in outer space; the scouring powder known as Comet; and the car that came after the Ford Falcon known as the Mercury Comet.
Riddle: A dagger thrust at my own heart, Dictates the way I'm swayed. Left I stand, and right I yield, To the twisting of the blade. What am I?
Answer: A Lock.
Riddle: In a pond, there are some flowers with some bees hovering over them. If both the following statements are true: 1. If each bee lands on a flower, one bee doesn't get a flower. 2. If two bees share each flower, there is one flower left out. How many flowers and bees are there?
Answer: 4 bees and 3 flowers.
Riddle: Shirley's two-year-old granddaughter carries around with her something Shirley recently purchased for her in the produce section of a local supermarket. The little girl has the item wrapped in a blanket, pretending it is her baby. She carries her "baby" with her everywhere she goes, and even sleeps with it at nighttime. However, the "baby" has no body, but consists of a brown head with two eyes and a mouth; or is it two eyes and a nose? Sometimes it is difficult to tell, but only the face of the baby peeks out from the surrounding blanket. What type of produce is this "baby" that Shirley's granddaughter carries around with her?
Answer: The two-year-old’s “baby” is actually a coconut which she wraps in a blanket, with the three circular indentations of the “face” turned outward.
Riddle: As an April Fool's joke, a prankster, who works in an assisted living facility, created a flyer and distributed one to each room of the facility. Here is what the flyer announced: Attention!!! All residents!!! Several creatures have recently been spotted in hallways and day areas of this facility. The primary creature seen is reported to be warm-blooded, is between 60 and 72 inches in length, and has three legs and three feet. There have even been rarer sightings of several of these life forms having six legs and six feet. Anyone sighting either of these two creatures should immediately notify the receptionist for instructions. What do you suppose the living organisms were to which the prankster was referring in his April Fool's flyers?
Answer: The "creatures" to which the prankster was referring, were the residents who used canes and walkers. Each cane acted as a resident's third leg, with a foot at the base of each cane. The rarer "creatures" were the residents using four-legged walkers with a foot at the bottom of each leg. These sums were added to each resident's physical two legs and two feet which accounted for the description of the "life forms" in the flyers.
Riddle: Where does tomorrow come before yesterday, and where does today come before yesterday?
Answer: The answer is in dictionary. Explanation: Well the logic used to solve this riddle is that in the dictionary, words or letters are organized Alphabetically and hence Today comes before Yesterday because in the alphabet order alphabetically, the letter T comes before the Letter Y. I hope this helps
Riddle: A person was in jail, All he had in his cell was a piano. Yet, he managed to escape. How?
Answer: He played the piano until he found the right key.
Riddle: I'm alive, but without breath; I'm as cold in life as in death; I'm never thirsty, though I always drink. What am I?
Answer: The riddle "I’m alive but without breath riddle" is unanswered. Do you know the answer? If so, click ANSWER and add your answer in the comments section.
Riddle: A man leaves home on foot one evening, makes three left turns, and arrives back home to find two masked men waiting there. Who are they?
Answer: The catcher and the umpire - the man has made a home run in a baseball game.
Riddle: It's 7:00 am. You are asleep and there is a sudden knock on the door. Behind the door are your parents, who came to have breakfast. In your fridge: bread, milk (pasteurized!), juice, and a jar of jam. What do you open first?
Answer: Your eyes.
Riddle: I Make Reading A Challenge, And That Can Cause Some Damage. I Am Difficult To Manage, But When That Happens, The Passage Is Much Less Savage. I Make Many People Frown, But The Answer Is Just To Slow Down. I Know This Is Not What You Had Planned, I Just Hope You Will Understand. What Am I?
Answer: I'm Dyslexia.
Riddle: There was no mention of it in any of the newspapers, but a queen recently moved to a small farm in the state of Iowa. To assist her, a group of about 20 diligent workers was assigned to help the queen with the farm work which needed to be done, as the queen was not accustomed to performing any type of menial, manual labor. It may seem a bit strange, but in her new home, there were no cows or chickens or farm animals of any kind, and the surrounding soil was very sandy, so no crops could be grown there. This really didn’t matter though, as there was no farm machinery for the workers to use anyway. At the queen’s insistence, those diligent workers spend their days digging tunnels all over the farm; but they are not seeking treasure or anything of value. These tunnels sometimes collapse on the workers, killing a few; but the queen shows little concern and these deaths are never reported to the police or to any law enforcement agency. Who does this queen think she is? She must feel she is above the law and has no respect for the lives of those who serve her! Where is the justice for these workers? Or, perhaps, the queen shouldn’t be held responsible after all. What exactly is going on here?
Answer: The queen was an ant which was purchased and added to an ant farm owned by a child in the state of Iowa. About 20 worker ants were added to the ant farm shortly thereafter.