Riddle: Slam slam slam all day long slam slam slam some fast, some slow something solid. flat and sturdy its friend lights up the night and is sensitive to the eye slam slam slam A through Z 1,2,3 black as night. What am I?
Answer: A Computer keyboard.
Riddle: What goes in the water red, and comes out black?
Answer: Iron.
Riddle: What do you call a leprechaun's vacation home?
Answer: A Lepre-condo.
What is it Riddles
Riddle: I give you a group of three. One is sitting down, and will never get up. The second eats as much as is given to him, yet is always hungry. The third goes away and never returns. What are the three things?
Answer: Stove, fire, and smoke.
Riddle: What did the big firecracker say to the little firecracker?
Answer: My pop is bigger than your pop!
What is it Riddles
Riddle: What do builders have to look out for before constructing a building and surgeons have to look out for while performing a surgery?
Answer: The skeleton.
Riddle: A harvest sown and reaped on the same day In an unplowed field, Which increases without growing, Remains whole though it is eaten Within and without, Is useless and yet The staple of nations. What is it?
Answer: War.
What is it Riddles
Riddle: My name starts with "rain" and ends with the first letter of my name. I get mistaken for other things a lot. I am usually present in children's stories. I am usually flying in mid-air too. What am I?
Answer: Santa's reindeer.
Riddle: In the land of forgotten past, where logic falters and chaos lasts, I whisper quietly through the veil, a cryptic message, delicate and frail. First, you'll seek the titan's home, where footsteps dwindle in silver foam. A cosmic dance of two in sync, their secret lies within the brink. Second, venture to the ancient tale, where elements meet and logic fails. The fifth in line, a metal's pride, with water's touch, it must divide. Third, within the sequence known, a pattern's end, infinitely grown. The first to break, the last to stay, it marches on, in ordered sway. Combine these three, a code is made; the answer hidden, a secret shade. Now, solve the riddle, if you dare, and seek the answer, hidden where?
Answer: "A cosmic dance of two in sync" refers to Janus and Epimetheus, two moons of Saturn that share the same orbital path and swap positions, in what is sometimes referred to as a "cosmic dance." The fifth in line, a metal's pride, with water's touch, it must divide: The fifth element in the periodic table is Boron (B). It's a metalloid, so it shares properties with both metals and non-metals. Boron will react with water at high temperatures, dividing or breaking apart. The second clue points to Boron. The first to break, the last to stay, it marches on, in ordered sway: In the Fibonacci sequence, the first number to "break" the pattern is 4 because it doesn't fit the pattern of summing the two preceding numbers. This may be the third clue's answer. Combining these three answers, we get: Janus and Epimetheus, Boron, and 4. While this combination doesn't lead to a specific location or concept, we can interpret the riddle's last line: Combine these three, a code is made; the answer hidden, a secret shade. The riddle itself is the answer, a secret hidden in the veil of its cryptic language. The joy of the riddle lies in solving the clues and piecing together the puzzle. In this case, the destination is the journey itself.
Riddle: A man but an animal, a horn with two hands. What am I?
Answer: A Minotaur.
Riddle: What falls and rises but never moves?
Answer: A stockmarket.
Riddle: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. What is the contradictory proverb?
Answer: Don't beat your head against a brick wall.
Riddle: What is that which has many leaves, but no stem?
Answer: A book.
Riddle: Black and Blue. Red and Green. Yellow and Blue. Green and Grey. I am all colours. You can try to get close to me, but you can't escape my vision. If you get greedy, you will try to take your colours for yourself, but before you know it, I will be eating you for lunch. What am I?
Answer: A Chameleon.
Riddle: I can go up a chimney down and down a chimney down but can't go up a chimney up and down a chimney up. What am I?
Answer: an umbrella
Riddle: What stays where it is when it goes off?
Answer: A Gun.
Riddle: There's a land where there are mummies and daddies but no babies. Books but no libraries. Mirrors but no reflections. Kittens but no cats. Cattle but no cows. Lollipops but no candy and trees but no forests. It's the land of what?
Answer: The land of double letters.
Riddle: Whiling away the hours of flowers, Walking through fields of gold. Preening and pruning in lights fading hours, For petals to freeze in the cold. What is it?
Answer: "The Four Seasons" - Reasoning: This riddle takes the perspective of plant life during these times of the year, where each line represents one of the four seasons of the year; Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Spring - where flowers are blooming - Summer - where fields of farm crop mature and turn golden in colour, before being harvested - Autumn - where the tree's shed their leaves and days grow shorter - and Winter - where the cold leaves frost and freezes plants.
Riddle: What is special about the number 854,917,632?
Answer: It contains the numbers 1-9 in alphabetical order.
Riddle: F-S-T-F-F-S What's next?
Answer: S First Second third fourth fifth sixth, ____seventh