Riddle: Who was the most famous cat in the wild west?
Answer: Kit-ty Carson.
Riddle: What is it that is full all day and empty at night?
Answer: Shoes.
Riddle: What animal would you get crossed a duck, a beaver, and an otter?
Answer: A platypus.
Short Riddles
Riddle: Which is the oldest tree?
Answer: The elder.
Riddle: What is the proper length for a lady's skirt?
Answer: A little above two feet.
Short Riddles
Riddle: Who is a painstaking man?
Answer: The dentist.
Riddle: On which side of a church is the graveyard always situated?
Answer: On the outside, of course.
Short Riddles
Riddle: I am needed to survive, but when am here there is evil and good, when am gone others come in, you don't seek me you die. What I am?
Answer: Money.
Riddle: I am the symbol of prying and meddling, for I smell fish that is worth a roundabout fish to fry. What am I?
Answer: A nose.
Riddle: Now matter what, I come to you round, Floating up, floating down, A single pop, I'm on the ground, Then comes your unpleasant frown. What am I?
Answer: I am a bubble. Bubbles always come out round no matter how you blow it. Bubbles also pop when they touch the ground. Usually bubbles go up and then down. Most of the time you and I will frown when a bubble pops. Therefore, the answer is a bubble.
Riddle: There is 10 birds on a branch, a man shot 5 of them. How many were left?
Answer: Zero, because when birds see someone coming or hear something they fly away.
Riddle: What exists but no-body can enter and is unreachable in life?
Answer: Heaven.
Riddle: What is the freedom of birds and the pen of old men?
Answer: Feathers. Feathers make up a bird's wings, giving it flight or its freedom. Quill pens were used by men in older times.
Riddle: I am something, I am endless as chain. Once you have me you are bound for life but young girls want me. What am I?
Answer: A wedding ring.
Riddle: When is a clock dangerous?
Answer: When it runs down and strikes.
Riddle: Why did the prison about to get hanged say when he got pardoned?
Answer: "No noose is good noose."
Riddle: Why is a bubble like a bruise?
Answer: Because it comes from a blow.
Riddle: A ship that puts a road in order, What is it?
Answer: A smoothing iron.
Riddle: What does a stone become when in the water?
Answer: A whetstone.
Riddle: Why does this light shine?
Answer: It was turned on.