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"Birthday" Riddles - Next 10 of 22.

Riddle: What does a clam do on his birthday?
Answer: He shell-ebrates!
Riddle: Uncle John, as he likes to be called, can't do the Twist like Chubby Checker did in the 1960s, but he loves to twist just the same. To be open and honest with you all, Uncle John earns his living through twisted ways. He especially enjoys exhibiting his twisted talents in front of young children. To gain their attention, he frequently gives gifts to these little boys and girls --- gifts including bicycles, flowers, and even small animals. He is often out of breath after exhibiting his twisted lifestyle to others. You might think the parents of these children would be repulsed by Uncle John, but instead, they often simply stand by, sometimes even applauding and encouraging this man!!! How can adults be so calloused as to allow this man to gain this type of control over their own children? What exactly is going on here?
Answer: Uncle John is a balloon twister who makes a living performing at children’s birthday parties. He can make almost anything out of balloons which he gives to the children; including bicycles, flowers, and small balloon animals. It’s also the reason he is often out of breath during his performances, as he has to blow up each balloon before he can twist them into the shape he wants.
Riddle: Mary is baking chocolate chip cookies for, her friend, Molly's birthday party. Molly will have 19 friends at the party plus herself. Each batch of cookies can make 24 cookies and requires: 1 cup butter, softened 1 cup white sugar 1 cup packed brown sugar 2 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons hot water ½ teaspoon salt 3 cups all-purpose flour 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips 1 cup chopped walnuts Mary has: 9 cups butter 18 cups white sugar 7 cups packed brown sugar 48 eggs 12 teaspoons vanilla extract 8 teaspoons baking soda 1-gallon hot water 9 tablespoons salt 5 cups all-purpose flour 15 cups semisweet chocolate chips 5 cups chopped walnuts How many batches of cookies can Mary make? How many cookies can each friend have if they each have the same number of cookies? Will there be any cookies leftover?
Answer: There will be 4 cookies leftover because Mary can only make one batch of cookies which means each of the 20 friends can have 1 cookie. Mary only has enough flour for one batch of cookies, so no matter how much of the other ingredients Mary has, she can only make one batch of cookies.
Riddle: A man dies of old age on his 25th birthday. How is this possible?
Answer: He was born on February 29.
Riddle: David's birthday is in December, but it is never in the winter. Why?
Answer: He lives in Australia (or any other country that has December in summer)
Riddle: I'm talked of but never seen, I'm heard of but makes no noise. What am I?
Answer: Your birthday!
Riddle: Mr. Crocker's mom gave him a present for his birthday. This gift was special, since his name was known around the world. What was the gift?
Answer: A Crock-pot.
Riddle: What did the robber get his wife for her birthday?
Answer: A stole.
Riddle: David is throwing Robert a surprise birthday party but he has to stay within his budget. He spent half of his money plus $2.00 on the cake. Half of what he had left plus $2.00 was spent on balloons and streamers. Then he spent half of what he had left plus $1.00 on candy. Now he is out of money, how much did he start with?
Answer: This one is best solved working backwards, the last part David spent half of what was left plus $1.00 on candy and then was out of money. That means he must have spent $2.00 on Candy as $1.00 was half of what he had using the same logic backwards: $2.00 on candy $6.00 on Balloons and Streamers $12.00 on the cake Total of $20.00.
Riddle: When I asked her how old she was, she smiled and said cryptically: "The day before yesterday I was 22, but next year I'll be 25." What is her birthday and when was the date of our conversation?
Answer: We conversed on January 1 and her birthday was on December 31. So, the day before yesterday on Dec. 30th she was 22 and he turned 23 on Dec. 31. So her next birthday, when she turns 24, would be Dec. 31 of the same year the question was asked.  However, next years birthday would be the following year on Dec. 31, when she would be 25.