Riddle: During a soccer match, a player makes a suggistive comment about women into the referee's ear, who promptly waves the red card and sends the player off.
Why would the referee do this?
Answer: The refree was a women.
Soccer Game Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man strolls into a hospital emergency room where there is a long line up to the reception desk. He walks right to the front and clamly asks to see the consultant in charge. No one gets angry and the receptionist immediately phones. The consultant has never met this man, yet she hurries away from the ward to see him.
Answer: The man is a florist delievering a bouquet of flowers for the consultant.
Surprise Visitor Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: At a children's party, 10 kids had juice, 8 kids had cake, and 6 kids had juice and cake.
How many kids were there at the party?
Answer: Tweleve kids. Six kids had juice and cake, leaving two out of the cake eaters that didn't have juice. As there were ten juicers, there must be twelve kids in total.
Party Time Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.