Riddle: What does a slice of toast wear to bed?
Answer: Jam-mies.
Riddle: What do you call a ghost without a host?
Answer: G.
Riddle: What do you call dental X-rays?
Answer: Tooth-Pics.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: What do you call a man whose father was a cannon?
Answer: A son of a gun!
Riddle: What kind of streets do zombies like?
Answer: Dead ends!
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: What can a child make but not see?
Answer: Noise.
Riddle: How do elephants speak to each other?
Answer: On 'elephones.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: What language do chimpanzees speak?
Answer: Chimp-anese.
Riddle: What do elves make a sandwich with?
Answer: Shortbread.
Riddle: Why is Russia such a fast country?
Answer: Because the people are always Russian.
Riddle: Why did the scientist put a knocker on his door?
Answer: Because he wanted the No-bell Prize.
Riddle: Where do Dutch hamsters live?
Answer: In Ham-sterdam.
Riddle: Why do dolphins swim in salt water?
Answer: Pepper makes them sneeze.
Riddle: What position do pigs play on the baseball field?
Answer: Short-stop.
Riddle: What do you call peas which are crazy?
Answer: Peanuts.
Riddle: What did one slug say to the other slug?
Answer: I'll get you next slime.
Riddle: What do bumblebees put in the bathtub first?
Answer: Their bee-hinds.
Riddle: What animal keeps the best time?
Answer: A Watchdog
Riddle: What happens to the dog when it stands in front of the hot sun?
Answer: It becomes a hotdog.
Riddle: How do you make a strawberry shake?
Answer: Tell it a scary story!