Riddle: Why did the sheriff arrest the chicken?
Answer: It used fowl language.
Riddle: What do octopuses take on camping trips?
Answer: Tent-acles.
Riddle: What kind of music is played inside the vehicle?
Answer: Car-tunes.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: Why won't a leopard take a bath with you?
Answer: It doesn't want to come out spotless.
Riddle: Why did the prisoner take a shower before he broke out of jail?
Answer: He wanted to make a clean getaway
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: What do you call a magician who lost his magic?
Answer: Ian.
Riddle: What is more amazing than a talking dog?
Answer: A spelling bee.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: What do you call a little bear who never takes a bath?
Answer: Winnie-the-Phew!
Riddle: Why are Tooth Fairies so smart?
Answer: They gather a lot of wisdom teeth.
Riddle: Where do fish go for vacation?
Answer: Fin-land.
Riddle: Who is the boss in the dairy factory?
Answer: The big cheese.
Riddle: Who does the ocean date?
Answer: It goes out with the tide.
Riddle: What do you call a foot that is about to step on to the ground?
Answer: A footstep!
Riddle: What do you get when you combine roller skates & a rocking chair?
Answer: Rock-N-roll.
Riddle: What happens when a sea monster gets angry?
Answer: It causes a comm-ocean.
Riddle: What do you call a cow with no legs?
Answer: Ground Beef.
Riddle: What is the leading cause of dry skin?
Answer: Towels.
Riddle: What did one keyboard say to the other keyboard?
Answer: Sorry, you're not my type.
Riddle: Why did the pilot sit on her alarm clock?
Answer: She wanted to be on time.
Riddle: Why can't the toilet paper cross the road?
Answer: Because it got stuck in the crack.