Riddle: Why are the nose and feet confusing body parts?
Answer: Because the Nose runs and the feet smell!
Riddle: How can people without noses smell?
Answer: If they don't shower.
Riddle: What did baby corn say to mother corn?
Answer: Where is pop-corn?
Funny Riddles
Riddle: Scientists have proven that cats have more hair on one side than on the other side. Some people believe that this is because when cats lay on their sides they need insulation from the cold on the floor or ground. Which side of a cat has more hair?
Answer: The outside of the Cat of course!
Riddle: What do grape students do when they have a question?
Answer: Rais-in their hand!
Funny Riddles
Riddle: How do cows count?
Answer: They use a 'cow'nter.
Riddle: Why did Sally throw butter out of the top window of a 20-story building?
Answer: Sally wanted to see a butter fly!
Funny Riddles
Riddle: How do trees surf the internet?
Answer: They Log in!
Riddle: How does a penguin build houses?
Answer: Igloos it together.
Riddle: What runs but never walks?
Answer: Water or a tap.
Riddle: What is a good car for a cell phone?
Answer: A Charger.
Riddle: Where do coal diggers play baseball?
Answer: The minor (miner) leages.
Riddle: What is a surgeons' favorite game?
Answer: Operation.
Riddle: Why to you never bring a Pokemon into the bathroom with you?
Answer: They might pikachu (Peek at u)
Riddle: Where did the cat go after loosing its tail?
Answer: To the re-tail store.
Riddle: What did the panda ghost say?
Answer: Bambooooooo
Riddle: Do vampires play tennis on their free time?
Answer: No they prefer bat-minton.
Riddle: Why did the chicken cross the road twice, and jump in the mud?
Answer: He was a dirty double-crosser.
Riddle: What does a pickle say when it wants to enter a poker game?
Answer: "Dill me in."
Riddle: Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one. Michael J. has a short one. Madonna doesn't have one and the Pope never uses it. What is it?
Answer: A last name.