Riddle: What kind of goose fights with snakes?
Answer: A mongoose.
Riddle: What question can someone ask all day long, always get completely different answers, and yet all the answers could be correct?
Answer: "What time is it?"
Riddle: What can you hold in your right hand, but not in your left?
Answer: Your left hand!
What is it Riddles
Riddle: What has wheels and flies, but it is not an aircraft?
Answer: A garbage truck.
Riddle: What kind of nut has no shell?
Answer: A Doughnut.
What is it Riddles
Riddle: What can run, but never walks; has a mouth, but never talks; has a head, but never weeps; has a bed, but never sleeps?
Answer: A river.
Riddle: Which bird does not belong in this group? Finch, gull, eagle, ostrich, or sparrow?
Answer: The Ostrich. It's the only bird that doesn't fly.
What is it Riddles
Riddle: What is harder to catch the faster you run?
Answer: Your breath!
Riddle: It has a long neck, a name of a bird, feeds on ships' cargo, and is not alive.  What is it?
Answer: A crane.
Riddle: Which of the following words don't belong in the group and why? CORSET, COSTER, SECTOR, ESCORT, COURTS
Answer: Courts. All of the others are anagrams of each other.
Riddle: Flat as a leaf, round as a ring; Has two eyes, can't see a thing. What is it?
Answer: A button.
Riddle: What has a foot on each side and one in the middle?
Answer: A yardstick.
Riddle: Which three letters can frighten a thief away?
Answer: I C U (I See You!).
Riddle: What word is always pronounced wrong?
Answer: Wrong!
Riddle: You can see it every day, But cannot touch it at will. What is it?
Answer: The sky.
Riddle: What asks no questions but requires many answers?
Answer: A doorbell.
Riddle: What can go up and come down without moving?
Answer: The temperature.
Riddle: What kind of candy would a prisoner want before he is executed?
Answer: A Life Saver.
Riddle: What has holes but still holds water?
Answer: A Sponge.
Riddle: What starts with a T, ends with a T and has T in it?
Answer: A teapot.