Riddle: What two words can open doors for you for the rest of your life?
Answer: Push and pull!
Riddle: I'm not really more than holes tied to more holes; I'm strong as good steel, though not as stiff as a pole. What am I?
Answer: A steel chain.
Riddle: My name is Jeff. I changed my name to Joe. Then I changed my name to Dilly Bar. I then changed my name to Jimmy. I changed my name once again, it was John. What is my name?
Answer: Jeff, because at the top it says my name is Jeff, and my name WAS John. Which implies I changed it again.
What is it Riddles
Riddle: My friend asked, "What rhymes with orange?".
Answer: I said, "No it doesn't".
Riddle: In what year did Christmas Day and New Year's Day fall in the same year?
Answer: It happens every year.
What is it Riddles
Riddle: Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day?
Answer: Real rocks are too heavy!
Riddle: Who is the king of the school supplies?
Answer: The ruler.
What is it Riddles
Riddle: What can climb mountains, cross streams, handle hundreds of feet each day, yet never moves? What is it?
Answer: A trail!
Riddle: What word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?
Answer: Incorrectly.
Riddle: Of everybody, you could ask to join you for Thanksgiving dinner, who would always say no?
Answer: The turkey!
Riddle: What can you throw but not catch?
Answer: A cold.
Riddle: What can you break without hitting or dropping it?
Answer: A promise.
Riddle: What grows but never gets taller, shrinks but never gets smaller, hurts the minds of men, doesn't live, but doesn't have a deathbed?
Answer: SOUND. Sound grows and shrinks but, realistically, doesn't do either. Can hurt ears and the brain at certain frequencies. Doesn't live and isn't dead.
Riddle: My name is two letters. You call many people by this name, but yet their first name is not this. What is it?
Answer: Mr.
Riddle: What tells you what you want to hear, but hurts you when the truth is clear?
Answer: A liar.
Riddle: This object can be driven, but has no wheels, and can also be sliced and remain whole. What is it?
Answer: A Golf Ball.
Riddle: One day a little boy named John went over to his parents and said that he wanted to shoot people and blow them up. His parents were really proud of his career choice. keep in mind that his parents were not very violent people. What is he?
Answer: John wanted to be a photographer.
Riddle: What's weightless, visible to the naked eye, and when you put it in a barrel of water it will make the barrel lighter in weight?
Answer: A hole!
Riddle: What is full of holes and can still hold water?
Answer: A sponge.
Riddle: Walk on the living, they don't even mumble. Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble. What are they?
Answer: Fallen leaves.