Riddle: Mrs. Collins went missing one afternoon. The police officers found a hint in her bedroom: First of July; Second of November; Third of June; Sixth of February; First of September. What is the name of the person behind the disappearance?
Answer: This person's name is Jonas. "First of July" means the first letter of July (J), "Second of November" means the second letter of November (O), and so on.
Who Knows Something?  Riddle Meme.
Who Knows Something? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You have two coins, and their total value is 11¢. One of the coins is not a penny. What are the two coins?
Answer: The two coins are a dime and a penny. I said "ONE of the coins is not a penny"; if one of the coins is not a penny, then the other coin IS a penny. The coin that is not a penny has to be a dime because the total value should be 11¢.
What Are the Two Coins?  Riddle Meme.
What Are the Two Coins? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Which word is the odd one out: BAIL, FAIL, PAIL, RAIL, SAIL, TAIL?
Answer: FAIL is the odd one out because it does not have a homophone. BAIL has BALE (like a bale of hay), PAIL has PALE, SAIL has SALE, TAIL has TALE, and RAIL has RALE. FAIL has FALE, which is not a real word, and therefore cannot be a homophone.
The Odd Word Out Riddle Meme.
The Odd Word Out Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are four cards in front of you. You don't know the suits, but that's not important. Assume that all of the following statements are true: 1) There are no ace cards. 2) The difference between the third card and the first card is 8. 3) The difference between the fourth card and the second card is 7. 4) There are no face cards. 5) The card on the left cannot be greater than the card on the right. What are the four cards?
Answer: The card on the far left is a 2, the card next to it is a 3, then there is a 10, and there is a 10 next to the first 10 card. Hey, I didn't say there couldn't be any cards of the SAME value!
Four Cards Riddle Meme.
Four Cards Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Ryan goes to an art gallery and sees four paintings: a raccoon, a llama, a football, and a balloon. He realizes that one of the paintings is different from the rest. Which one is it, and why?
Answer: The llama picture is different from the others because "llama" has just one double letter, while "raccoon", "football", and "balloon" all have two double letters.
Which Painting is Odd?  Riddle Meme.
Which Painting is Odd? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Chelsea works in a department store. One day, a mute woman walks up to her. The woman puts her finger in one ear, and makes a circular motion with her fist near her other ear. Chelsea immediately understands that the woman wants a pencil sharpener. Next, a deaf man comes up to Chelsea. How can he explain to her that he wants a pair of scissors?
Answer: The man can just say it. He's DEAF, not mute; the guy can't hear, but it doesn't mean that he can't SPEAK.
How Can he Explain it?  Riddle Meme.
How Can he Explain it? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Mrs. Beverly has three daughters–Sally, Gianna, and Emma. She is about to have another daughter. What will she name her–Victoria, Alyssa, or Amanda?
Answer: Mrs. Beverly will name her next daughter Alyssa; the names of her other three daughters each contain a double letter. Alyssa's name has a double letter ("s"), unlike the other two.
How Will She Name her Next Child?  Riddle Meme.
How Will She Name her Next Child? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Imagine that you have three eggs. Now, I give you four eggs. And your rooster lays two more eggs. How many eggs do you have now?
Answer: You have four eggs–the ones I gave you. Those three eggs from the start don't count because they're imaginary (IMAGINE that you have three eggs). And those two eggs your rooster lays don't count either because roosters don't lay eggs.
Every Egg Riddle Meme.
Every Egg Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Serena made a cake for her husband's birthday. She wanted to save it for the evening, but at that time, Serena found that someone had eaten the cake! The woman concluded that it must have been one of her kids–either Justin, Theodore, or Mia–so she questions them. Justin says, "It was Theodore!". Theodore says, "It was Mia!". And Mia says, "Theodore is lying!". Assuming that only the culprit lies, and that the innocent kids tell the truth, who ate the cake?
Answer: Theodore ate the cake. If Justin was the thief, then he and Theodore would be lying, and Mia would be telling the truth, which contradicts the conditions. And if Mia was the thief, then she and Justin would be lying, and Theodore would be telling the truth; this also goes against the rules. Therefore, Justin and Mia are telling the truth, and Theodore is lying, which means that Theodore is the thief.
Who Ate the Cake?  Riddle Meme.
Who Ate the Cake? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Brent was in a seven-story building when a massive fire started. The guy jumped out of the window, but didn't even bruise himself! How is it possible?
Answer: Brent was on the first floor, and jumped out of the first floor window. After all, even though it's a seven story building, I didn't say he was on the seventh floor!
How Did he Not get Hurt?  Riddle Meme.
How Did he Not get Hurt? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.