The Unescapable Room!

Author: Liberty Smylie
6 years ago

Riddle: You are locked in a room with NO windows, NO door, has a roof and a floor, no way of escaping and all that's in this room with you is a table and a mirror, how do you escape? (Hint: it's a play on words)
Answer: There are two possible ways. 1. You break the mirror and with the shards you cut yourself and give yourself a sore/saw and with that sore/saw, you cut the table in half then you put the table back to a whole/hole and with that whole/hole you climb out! 2. You saw the table with the mirror (cut in half, you sawed it in half) and with the two table halves you put it back to a whole/hole and with that whole/hole, you climb out!
You are locked in a room with NO windows, NO door, has a roof and a floor, no way of escaping and all that's in this room with you is a table and a mirror, how do you escape? (Hint: it's a play on words)
The Unescapable Room! by Liberty Smylie v1.

Riddle: You are locked in a room with NO windows, NO door, has a roof and a floor, no way of escaping and all that's in this room with you is a table and a mirror, how do you escape? (Hint: it's a play on words) Answer: There are two possible ways. 1. You break the mirror and with the shards you cut yourself and give yourself a sore/saw and with that sore/saw, you cut the table in half then you put the table back to a whole/hole and with that whole/hole you climb out! 2. You saw the table with the mirror (cut in half, you sawed it in half) and with the two table halves you put it back to a whole/hole and with that whole/hole, you climb out!
by Liberty Smylie v2.