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"Goes" Riddles - Next 10 of 89.

Riddle: How do you know when your alarm clock is hungry?
Answer: When it goes back four (for) seconds. 
Riddle: What goes up, but at the same time goes down, up to the sky and down to the ground, my present tense and my past tense too, lets go for a ride just me and you... what am I?
Answer: A see-saw
Riddle: Before he turned physics upside down, a young Albert Einstein supposedly showed off his genius by devising a complex riddle involving a stolen exotic fish and a long list of suspects. Can you resist tackling a brain teaser written by one of the smartest people in history? Dan Van der Vieren shows how.
Answer: The key is that the person at the back of the line who can see everyone else's hats can use the words "black" or "white" to communicate some coded information.  So what meaning can be assigned to those words that will allow everyone else to deduce their hat colors?  It can't be the total number of black or white hats.  There are more than two possible values, but what does have two possible values is that number's parity, that is whether it's odd or even.  So the solution is to agree that whoever goes first will, for example, say "black" if he sees an odd number of black hats and "white" if he sees an even number of black hats.  Let's see how it would play out if the hats were distributed like this.  The tallest captive sees three black hats in front of him, so he says "black," telling everyone else he sees an odd number of black hats.  He gets his own hat color wrong, but that's okay since you're collectively allowed to have one wrong answer.  Prisoner two also sees an odd number of black hats, so she knows hers is white, and answers correctly.  Prisoner three sees an even number of black hats, so he knows that his must be one of the black hats the first two prisoners saw.  Prisoner four hears that and knows that she should be looking for an even number of black hats since one was behind her.  But she only sees one, so she deduces that her hat is also black.  Prisoners five through nine are each looking for an odd number of black hats, which they see, so they figure out that their hats are white.  Now it all comes down to you at the front of the line.  If the ninth prisoner saw an odd number of black hats, that can only mean one thing.  You'll find that this strategy works for any possible arrangement of the hats.  The first prisoner has a 50% chance of giving a wrong answer about his own hat, but the parity information he conveys allows everyone else to guess theirs with absolute certainty.  Each begins by expecting to see an odd or even number of hats of the specified color.  If what they count doesn't match, that means their own hat is that color.  And every time this happens, the next person in line will switch the parity they expect to see.
Riddle: There is a door, on the side of the door that you are on, there is a skeletal army ready to trample you underneath their feet, on the other side is a city with a wall that will keep you safe. You need to get in the door but there is some sort of code to get into safety; one man goes to the door, and the doorkeeper says "eight" and the man says "five" he lets him in. The second man goes up to the door and the doorkeeper says "nine" and the second man says "four", and he lets him in. Finally, it's your turn, you only get one chance to guess. The doorkeeper says "twenty one". What do you say to get to safety?
Answer: You would say "nine" as, 21 is nine letters long. It's quite simple actually. Eight is five letters long hence "five" and nine is four letters long hence the word "four".
Riddle: What has roots that nobody sees, and is taller than trees. Up, up it goes, and yet it never grows. What is it?
Answer: A Mountain.
Riddle: Mike, Jack, and Jim were triplets. When they were ten a mysterious lady gave them each tickets and said they were time tickets good for a round trip to any time and place. Jim immediately used his ticket to go to 10 mins in the past to get a popsicle. After that he traveled forward 10 mins to the present time. 10 years later Mike used his ticket to travel 30 mins into the past to try and stop a car crash that killed his girlfriend. After he did that he realized he lost his ticket so he just let time catch up to him. 12 years later Jack used his ticket to travel exactly 100 years into the future to see how far tech has advanced. after spending a year in this time he goes back exactly 100 years back into the present. Who is the oldest sibling now?
Answer: Mike, because he went 30 minutes from the past and let time catch up while the others traveled back to the present. Therefore he is older by 30 minutes.
Riddle: You are a bus driver, healthy, never did one crime of any sort. The bus goes into a problem one day. Somebody just stole all his money he has earned. The thief wrote a note, which says, TELL ME YOUR EYE COLOR, TODAY MIDNIGHT, IF YOU WANT YOUR MONEY BACK!! What is the bus drivers eye color?
Answer: I don't know. I said YOU are a bus driver. What's your eye color?
Riddle: What goes uphill and downhill, and always stays in the same place?
Answer: A road.
Riddle: The Mills family had traveled to their vacation cabin which was next to a large, beautiful lake in the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Mills and their three children, Brock (age 6), Cindy (age 7), and Susan (age 8) had come to the lake to relax for the weekend. They were all looking forward to taking a long, relaxing swim in the lake, and to try out the brand new boat Mr. Mills had just purchased for some family fun. As they were swimming near the middle of the lake, it dawned on Mr. Mills that their son Brock was not in the water with them. Suddenly, with no warning, the family heard motor sounds and saw their newly-purchased boat speeding directly toward them, accompanied by the maniacal laughter of their missing child, Brock. Again and again, Brock drove the boat directly at his vulnerable family, laughing insanely each time it passed near them. "I told Brock not to go near that boat unless I was with him," shouted Mr. Mills, "and now he's trying to kill us with it!" However, Mrs. Mills nonchalantly responded, "Oh, boys will be boys." Considering the circumstances, why was Mrs. Mills so cavalier concerning her son's disobedient and reckless behavior, and why did she seem unconcerned about her six-year-old driving a boat without supervision?
Answer: Mr. Mills had bought the family a new remote controlled boat, but bad boy Brock decided to ignore his father’s instructions, and sent the two-foot long boat on its maiden voyage as a mischievous prank on his family. I don’t envy Brock when his father reaches shore.
Riddle: There are four words. Two of them have four letters, and the other two have five letters. The four-letter words have two vowels and two consonants. The five-letter words have two vowels and three consonants. If you read one of the four-letter words backward, you will get the other four-letter word. If you put a consonant in the beginning of a four-letter word you'll get one of the five-letter words. If you put the same consonant to the end of the other four-letter word you will get the other five-letter word, which is also read backward as the first five-letter word. There is a correlation between the one of the four and one of the five-letter words. The same goes for the other two words. One pair has to do with something bad and the other pair has to do with life. What are the words?
Answer: Evil Devil Lived Live