Riddle: An apple costs 5¢, a banana costs 6¢, and a pear costs 4¢. How much would a strawberry cost?
Answer: A strawberry would cost 10¢ because for each letter needed to spell out the name of the fruit, you would pay 1¢.
Riddle: How much dirt is there in a hole that measures 4 feet long and 3 feet wide and is 5 feet deep?
Answer: There is no dirt in the hole.
Riddle: Asher and Miles were shipwrecked. Miles was swept away by a strong current and woke up on an island. And Asher found a small wooden boat in the middle of the ocean. Both guys were thirsty and hungry. Who's going to survive for longer?
Answer: Miles will survive for longer because the water on the island might as well be drinkable. But Asher can't drink the ocean water because the amount of salt in it is too dangerous for people to consume safely.
Riddle: What starts with an f and ends with a k but is needed in emergencies?
Answer: Firetruck!
Riddle: A person dressed in black from head to toe is walking along a street. All of the street lamps are turned off. A black car is speeding behind the person, and its headlights are turned off. But somehow, the driver is able to stop the car without hitting the person. How?
Answer: It was daytime; I didn't say it was nighttime after all!
Riddle: Three employees–A, B, and C–get called into the office. One of them is fired, another one is promoted, and the last one wants to resign at first, but changes his mind. You know that one, the employee who is fired is older than the rest and single, and two, Employee B is younger than the employee who stays, and he doesn't know C's wife. Who is fired?
Answer: C can't be fired because he's married (i.e. he has a wife). B can't be fired either because he's younger than the employee who stays (B can't be younger than A because nobody was fired and decided to stay at the same time, and he can't be younger than himself either, so B is the youngest). It means that A has been fired.
Riddle: What drug can you buy at a coffee shop?
Answer: Caffeine.
Riddle: Why is a court judge like a riot in the library?
Answer: They're throwing the book at you.
Riddle: A man wearing a red shirt lives in a red house. A man wearing a yellow shirt lives in a yellow house. A man wearing a blue shirt lives in a blue house. Who lives in the white house?
Answer: The President lives in the white house.
Riddle: The owner of a Lost-and-Found faced a big argument between a man and a blind woman. The two of them were arguing over car keys that they came across simultaneously. The owner decided to tell the two of them to stop arguing because he knew who the car keys belonged to. Who?
Answer: The car keys belong to the man. Remember that the woman is blind? Well, you can't drive safely if you're blind!