Riddle: You are driving a car. On your right is a steep cliff. Right in front of you there is a horse and right behind an elephant, both of which travel at your own speed. On your left there is a fire truck blocking you. How do you stop your car?
Answer: Just ask the merry-go-round operator to stop!
Riddle: A triangle has sides of 13, 18 and 31 inches. What is the triangle's area?
Answer: Zero.  The two shorter sides of a triangle, when added together (13+18=31), must be greater than the third or longest side (31) for it to be a triangle by definition.  Therefore, the result would be two parallel lines with an area of 0.
Riddle: No legs lay on one leg, Two legs sat near on three legs, Four legs got some. What is it?
Answer: Fish on a little table, man at table sitting on a stool, the cat has the bones.
Riddle: Simon Simpleton was born in London, England. His mother was Welsh and his father Scottish. When Simon was eight his mother died. When Simon was ten his father married an Irish women and suddenly Simon had an Irish sister. When Simon was twenty four he graduated as a lawyer and took a job in Edinburgh, Scotland. He is now sixty six. Why can he not be buried on the banks of Loch Lomond in his favourite village of Luss, in Bonnie Scotland?
Answer: Because he is still alive!
Riddle: I have no eyes, no legs or ears, and I help move the earth. What am I?
Answer: A worm.
Riddle: How do you know if there's an elephant under your bed?
Answer: You bump your nose on the ceiling.
Riddle: What does an Aardark like on its pizza?
Answer: Ant-chovies.
Riddle: In shadows it dances, in daylight, it gleams, Found in the echoes of both waking and dreams. It lingers in whispers, a secret untold, In the tapestry of tales, its threads unfold. It weaves through the chapters of joy and despair, A silent companion in the heart’s deep lair. From the mountain’s proud peak to the valley so low, It flows with the rivers that steadily grow. It’s sung in the songs of the ages gone by, A constant companion, though silent, oh my! What am I?
Answer: The letter R.
Riddle: I am not you, but I am equal to you. I smile when happy and cry when sad. I can be living or dead. I will leave prints that share no clones. I am stronger when I am afraid and smarter when I am curious. What am I?
Answer: A human.
Riddle: What is equal to time, more likely to corrupt, possessed by the rich, needed by the poor, and if taken away, leads to a loss of status?
Answer: Money.