Riddle: What does CLASS stand for?
Answer: Come Late And Start Sleeping.
Riddle: Two girls have the same parents and they were born in the same year, same day, same hour and same minute. But they are not twins! How is this possible?
Answer: They were two girls from a set of triplets.
Riddle: Why was the small bucket not looking well?
Answer: Well, he was a little pail (pale).
Riddle: Marge and Lucille were best of friends, but both of them were highly competitive. One day they entered a grueling 50-mile bicycle race along with a large group of other contestants. Lucille was the more experienced of the two riders, but throughout the race, Marge was always out in front of her. Not once did she allow Lucille to pass her, but Lucille's fiery, competitive spirit would not be quenched, as she never let Marge out of her sight for even one instant. Even after 50 long miles, Marge and Lucille were only separated by a couple of feet, with Marge finally passing the finish line less than one second ahead of Lucille. Neither racer won, but they both finished in the top ten of all the competitors. After the race, Lucille was asked about her competing with her friend Marge. All Lucille would say was, "I couldn't have passed her, even if I had wanted to. In fact, it was impossible." What led Lucille to make such a bizarre statement?"
Answer: Marge and Lucille had been participating in a tandem bicycle race (bicycles built for two people).
Riddle: Shirley grew up in a family that loved desserts ------ especially one dessert! Many arguments occurred during dessert time in Shirley's family, and on a few occasions, these disputes nearly led to blows. The person serving the dessert was usually the one accused of creating the contentious atmosphere. The accusations usually centered around the color distribution allotted to each family member. People were always o.k. with the amount of orange, white, light green, and yellow they received, but the distribution of the red was always a major point of contention. God help anyone who dared to pass out more of the red part of the dessert to any one person sitting at the table, for if they did, all hell would break loose! It's amazing to think a simple canned desert could cause such an uproar, but it did, and in certain families, still does today. What is this common dessert which caused such a commotion in Shirley's family?
Answer: Fruit cocktail. If the red cherry pieces are not evenly distributed, people sometimes get upset. The Del Monte company actually had to add a separate can to their lineup of fruit cocktails to appease their customers due to this problem. They call it Very Cherry, and it contains more cherries than their original can.
Riddle: Class if it's own; its hooves divine. Another of black; a beauty so fine. A gift from jesters bestowed...sheep; Equine for a king, by the spiders of Roman kind. Then there's one master of many; space still to his queen. Mother of dragons unscathed of same Trojans fear. Commanded and protected of actors so unaware. Who am I?
Answer: The riddle "Class if it's own; its hooves divine. Another of black; a beauty so fine." is unanswered. Do you know the answer? If so, click ANSWER and add your answer in the comments section.
Riddle: What is an answer that can be used as a reply to all sorts of questions from easy to hard?
Answer: I don't know!
Riddle: How did the chicken manage to pay for, 'A de Luxe' roost?
Answer: By Higher Perchase.
Riddle: Terry had just returned to Chicago via. American Airlines at 12 midnight. He was extremely tired after having just completed a seven-day bridge tournament in California. After retrieving his single piece of luggage, he immediately hailed a taxi to take him to the nearest Red Roof Inn ------ Terry's favorite hotel. As he instructed the cabbie concerning his desired destination, he could plainly see the Spanish-speaking driver had no idea what was being said to him. Luckily, Terry remembered some of his high school Spanish, so he simply told the driver, "Tejado Rojo," which means "Red Roof" in Spanish. The cabbie immediately nodded to show his understanding, and he began driving to the requested destination. Upon arrival, Terry, who was barely awake by this time, paid the driver and entered the front door of the establishment. When he asked the receptionist for a room, the response he received was, "Are you on drugs? There is no place to sleep here!" Where do you suppose the cab driver had taken Terry?
Answer: The closest Pizza Hut. Almost, if not all of them have red roofs.
Riddle: When you are wet and it is dry and if you use it, it becomes wet but you're completely dry. What is it?
Answer: The towel.