Riddle: Terry had been driving for nearly an hour when he encountered a backup of several cars which were all waiting to pass through a tunnel. He was listening to the weather report on his car's radio while awaiting his turn when he heard that a severe mixture of snow and rain accompanied by flash flooding and powerful winds were expected to strike the area within minutes. Terry dreaded this type of dangerous winter driving, so he wanted to get home quickly. As he paid the required fee to pass through the tunnel, Terry could only think about the weather report and the severe driving conditions predicted. Suddenly, a downpour of water, followed by a curtain of liquid white covered Terry's car. He did not use his windshield wipers though, and in fact, he removed both hands from the steering wheel just as another downpour of water blasted his car. A few seconds later, a second deluge of water crashed down on his car, followed by a mighty wind. At that point, Terry again grasped the steering wheel and regained control of the car. After these events, Terry was able to drive home safely. Did Terry panic during this encounter by not using his windshield wipers and removing his hands from the steering wheel, or is Terry a better driver than these events indicate?
Answer: The tunnel Terry went through was a car wash. A driver is always supposed to take his hands off the steering wheel and avoid using windshield wipers when the car is passing through the soap, water, and powerful drying wind at the end.
Riddle: Two men dying of hunger in the desert, come across some tents selling, hundreds of thousands, another selling sponge cake, another selling cream. What is this, they asked?
Answer: It is a trifle bazaar, that is for Sue.
Riddle: It's a little-known fact that one of Batman's deadliest enemies, The Riddler, got married after his days of crime were behind him. The Riddler's wife enjoyed riddles even more than her husband, and she often tried to baffle him with riddles around the house. One day his wife, whose name was Riddlina, saw an opportunity to try to stump her husband with an old riddle she had first heard as a child. "My husband!" Riddlina exclaimed, "We have an extreme emergency! I just discovered we don’t have even one circle with a thousand squares left in the entire house!" The Riddler was shocked, at first, until he figured out what was distressing his wife. Do you know to what object Riddlina was referring to, which caused her emotional outburst? Incidentally, as soon as the Riddler solved his wife's riddle, he immediately got into his car and drove to a local store. What was he planning to get?
Answer: The old riddle his wife used (a circle with a thousand squares) to indicate an emergency item that was missing from their house, was a roll of toilet paper. Needless to say, the Riddler immediately went out to purchase some.
Riddle: A group of men are suddenly awakened by a loud, piercing, continuous sound. They all scramble out of their beds, get dressed, grab a pole, and disappear into a hole. What in the world are these men doing?
Answer: They are firemen who were sleeping in their fire station. When they heard the fire alarm, they quickly got dressed, slid down the fire pole, and got in the fire engine to head to the reported fire.
Riddle: What kind of mail, do delivery workers hate, as it is so heavy?
Answer: Chain Mail.
Riddle: I am big, small, tall, short, black, white, blue, red, green, and yellow, I am smart, dumb. What am I?
Answer: A Liar!
Riddle: If you were by a door, where would music originate?
Answer: From the HANDEL.
Riddle: What scratches an itch you've never scratched before?
Answer: A bidet!
Riddle: Why did the housewife get sick and tired of cleaning a huge conservatory window?
Answer: Because it was such a pane (pain).
Riddle: How long would it take a fly, wearing a pair of wellingtons, to walk through a tin of treacle?
Answer: A fortnight, it’s too weak.