Riddle: Many people search for me but very few find me in my truest form, the ones that do live a full life. What am I?
Answer: Happiness.
Riddle: What is the plastic surgeon's favorite holiday?
Answer: New Ears!
Riddle: What happened when the glue bottle tried to solve a riddle?
Answer: He got stuck!
Riddle: What's the best kind of fruit to sit on?
Answer: A Chair-y!
Riddle: What do a baby chick and a greedy person have in common?
Answer: They both cheep cheap!
Riddle: The first thing always exists, and the second thing only exists when there's a lot of the first thing in one place. What are they?
Answer: Cars and traffic.
Riddle: I can damage objects by force, but I have no arms. I make sound only when I am amplified. I cannot be seen, only felt and heard. What am I?
Answer: Wind.
Riddle: A man flipped a coin 9 times and every single time it landed on heads. If the man flipped the coin again, what is the chance that it lands on heads?
Answer: 50%. It's always 50%.
Riddle: When I start, I am always hungry. I can't stop until I am pleased with what I have. What am I?
Answer: Greed.
Riddle: I look like a human, but have no feelings, no heart, soul, skin, or bones. I can walk and talk. I can easily be controlled by people. What am I?
Answer: Artificial Intelligence, or a robot.