Riddle: I serve on a cross, to prevent loss. What am I?
Answer: A scarecrow.
Riddle: My numbers may vary, thin as a sheet, take one away, and we're just not complete. What am I?
Answer: A Book.
Riddle: Where can everyone sit on except you?
Answer: Your lap.
Riddle: What did the British man lose when he spent his money working out at the gym?
Answer: Pounds.
Riddle: Which word does not belong? Hat, What, Spat, That, or Chat?
Answer: Spat! all of the words have HAT in them except Spat.❤️
Riddle: What's light as a feather and a few days after becomes hard as rock?
Answer: Snow.
Riddle: F-S-T-F-F-S What's next?
Answer: S First Second third fourth fifth sixth, ____seventh
Riddle: What is one benefit of traffic?
Answer: You don't need to worry about getting a speeding ticket.
Riddle: What animal is the best at baseball?
Answer: A bat.
Riddle: What can't be put into a sauce pan?
Answer: It’s lid.