Riddle: Why doesn't anyone make belts of watches?
Answer: Because it is a "waist" of time!
Riddle: What do you call a classy fish?
Answer: Sofishsticated.
Riddle: When I am sad, I change colour from white to grey. My tears fall to the ground and my cries are low and rumbling. In my anger I send great flashes of light above. What am I?
Answer: A cloud.
Riddle: My three brothers, my cousin and I are stood in a line. I am the shortest of all my brothers and I am at one end of the line. At the other end of the line is my cousin, who is the fattest out of all of us. My tallest brother is in the middle of the line. We cannot move away from where we stand and yet we are very flexible. We are very useful; people would struggle without us. What are we?
Answer: Fingers.
Riddle: What did the hoop say to the basketball?
Answer: May all your swishes come true!
Riddle: What kind of shorts do clouds wear?
Answer: Thunderwear.
Riddle: What did the sweet gherkin say to the pickle?
Answer: You are a Dill-ight to see!
Riddle: A man has a machine that can turn him into any person that ever existed. He programmed into the machine the number 1, and then pressed the transformation button. Who did he become?
Answer: Adam.
Riddle: Lobi's brother is MobiLodi's brother is ModiLofi's brother is MofiLoki's brother is ____HINT: It's a four-letter word
Answer: Thor.
Riddle: Why were 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 sad about Prom?
Answer: They had no one (1) to go with.