Riddle: What do trees need to have in order to be able to achieve anything in life?
Answer: Be-leaf.
Riddle: What do you call someone who steals coffee?
Answer: A "mug".
Riddle: How do you spell the word 'Panda' in two letters?
Answer: P and A P(and)a.
Riddle: What do bees use to style their hair?
Answer: Honeycombs
Riddle: What do you give a sick pig?
Answer: An "oinkment"
Riddle: What did the tire say to the other tire?
Answer: I am so "pumped" about this ride!
Riddle: What did the queen bee say to the naughty bee?
Answer: Be-hive yourself!
Riddle: What do you call a magic owl?
Answer: Who-dini.
Riddle: I purge all that is evil, and keep all that is true. Unless you speak, I can delete what you said. My usefulness has faded with the use of a pen. I am usually made of rubber, yet I am not a toy. I am both pink, and white, but also blue, or green. Do not forget me, as I can be your best friend. What am I?
Answer: An eraser.
Riddle: Through a sea of green and islands of brown, leaving a crystal path behind, safe inside a spiral cave, preparing to come out again. What animal am I?
Answer: A snail.