Riddle: What is easy to lift but hard to throw?
Answer: A feather.
Riddle: When I move, I tip the scales. I am the source of many tales. Around your foot, a sign of wealth. Around a stick, a sign of health. Around your chest, your final breath. On your neck, say hi to death. What am I?
Answer: A snake. Snake scales. Snake Tail and snakes are usually the antagonists. Snakeskin is very expensive. Snakes on a stick are almost always seen in hospitals. Constrictors squeeze the life out of you. A poisonous snakebite on your neck would kill you extremely fast.
Riddle: I take months to build, seconds to destroy, and years to rebuild. What am I?
Answer: Trust.
Riddle: If a rooster lays an egg on the ridge of a roof, which side will the egg fall?
Answer: Rooster’s don’t lay eggs. Hen’s do.
Riddle: What's black and white and red all over?
Answer: A zebra with a sunburn.
Riddle: What do you call a person who crosses the road twice without taking a shower?
Answer: A dirty double crosser.
Riddle: Why did the orange stop in the middle of the road?
Answer: Because it ran out of Juice.
Riddle: What happened to the broken-down frog?
Answer: It got toad (towed) away.
Riddle: I am neither liquid, nor solid, or gas. I am used to create famous things, but I do not get any fame. If you merge solid and liquid you will find the other part of who I am. What am I?
Answer: I am Paint.
Riddle: What did the ghost eat for breakfast?
Answer: Dreaded Wheats.