Riddle: A horse ran 5 meters west, 6 meters north, 7 meters south and 8 meters east. What directrion does its tail face now?
Answer: Downwards.
Riddle: I have and ear but no head. What am I?
Answer: Corn!
Riddle: What did the zombie eat for breakfast?
Answer: Raisen Brain!
Riddle: What is your foot's favorite game?
Answer: Tic Tac Toe!
Riddle: What animal is it the hardest to have a staring contest with?
Answer: A fish. They cannot blink!
Riddle: I'm something that gets used by the owner more than anyone else. You must tie me up before you can use me. What am I?
Answer: A shoe.
Riddle: What can be stolen, mistaken, or altered, yet never leaves you your entire life?
Answer: Your identity.
Riddle: The tallest trees fall, at my glorious call, some may resist, but only for so long. What am I?
Answer: Gravity.
Riddle: I can be anything I want to be, yet known to many as just one, but if things don't work out, I will be known by hardly anyone. What am I?
Answer: An actor.
Riddle: I can bring you joy or sorrow, or everything in between. None have seen, smelt or felt me, yet many still know what I am. I have many types, but I am really just one thing. What am I?
Answer: Music.