Riddle Count: 89
Riddle: How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer: None. It's a hardware problem.
Programmer vs Hardware Riddle Meme.
Programmer vs Hardware Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I can be long or short. I can be grown or bought. I can be painted or left bare. My tip can be round or square. What am I?
Answer: Fingernails.
I can be long or short. I can be grown or bought Riddle Meme.
I can be long or short. I can be grown or bought Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A girl was attending her mother's funeral where she met a man. She was very intrigued by the man and was interested in getting to know him. As she was making her rounds she realized she had not gotten the man's name or number. Later, when she went to find him, he had already left. A week later, she murdered her older brother to find the man. Why?
Answer: So the man would attend the funeral again.
Funeral love  Riddle Meme.
Funeral love Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What can you catch but not throw?
Answer: A cold!
Throw me but not catch me Riddle Meme.
Throw me but not catch me Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You bury me when I'm alive and dig me up when I'm dead. What am I?
Answer: A plant.
Buried alive II Riddle Meme.
Buried alive II Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Two girls ate dinner together. They both ordered iced tea. One girl drank them very fast and had finished five in the time it took the other to drink just one. The girl who drank one died while the other survived. All of the drinks were poisoned. How did the girl who drank the most survive?
Answer: The poison was in the ice. The survivor girl didn't give time for the ice to melt. Whilst the dead girl waited until the ice melted which meant that the poison was released into her drink.
Ice Tea Murder Riddle Meme.
Ice Tea Murder Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A woman shoots her husband, then holds him under water for five minutes. A little while later, they both go out and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?
Answer: She shot her husband with a camera and then developed the photo.
Dinner Mystery Riddle Meme.
Dinner Mystery Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I do not breathe, but I run and jump. I do not eat, but I swim and stretch. I do not drink, but I sleep and stand. I do not think, but I grow and play. I do not see, but you see me every day. What am I?
Answer: A leg (still attached to a living body, of course).
I do not breathe riddle Riddle Meme.
I do not breathe riddle Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Although I may have eyes I cannot see. I have a round brown face with lots of acne. What am I?
Answer: A potato.
Although I may have eyes I cannot see. I have a round brown face Riddle Meme.
Although I may have eyes I cannot see. I have a round brown face Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.


Author: 6085
Riddle: There are five people. One of them shot and killed one of the other five. Which man is the murderer? 1. Dan ran in the NY City marathon yesterday with one of the innocent men. 2. Mike considered being a farmer before he moved to the city. 3. Jeff is a topnotch computer consultant and wants to install Ben's new computer next week. 4. The murderer had his leg amputated last month. 5. Ben met Jack for the first time six months ago. 6. Jack has been in seclusion since the crime. 7. Dan used to drink heavily. 8. Ben and Jeff built their last computers together. 9. The murderer is Jack's brother. They grew up together in Seattle.
Answer: 1. Jack is not the murderer, because he is the brother of the murderer. 2. Dan can't be the murderer since he ran a marathon, and the murderer recently had his leg amputated, and wouldn't be running a marathon of any magnitude that quickly. 3. Ben is not the murderer if he just met Jack, since Jack and the murderer grew up together. 4. This leaves Jeff and Mike. Since Jeff is still alive (he wants to install a new computer next week, present tense) he must be the murderer. Mike also didn't grow up with Jack. It has been determined that Jack, Dan and Jeff are all alive. Ben must also be alive since Jeff plans to install Ben's computer next week. This means that Jeff killed Mike.
Murder Riddle Meme.
Murder Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.