
Riddle Count: 1516
Riddle: Some say we are red, some say we are green. Some play us, some spray us. What are we?
Answer: Pepper.
Red or Green Riddle Meme.
Red or Green Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A camel travels a certain distance each day. Strangely enough, two of its legs travel 30 miles each day and the other two legs travel nearly 31 miles. It would seem that two of the camel's legs must be one mile ahead of the other two legs, but of course this can't be true. Since the camel is normal, how is this situation possible?
Answer: The camel operates a mill and travels in a circular clockwise direction. The two outside legs will travel a greater distance than the two inside legs.
The wierd camel Riddle Meme.
The wierd camel Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Thirty white horses on a red hill, First they champ, Then they stamp, Then they stand still. What are they?
Answer: Teeth.
Thirty white horses Riddle Meme.
Thirty white horses Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: The king dies and two men, the true heir and an impostor, both claim to be his long-lost son. Both fit the description of the rightful heir: about the right age, height, coloring and general appearance. Finally, one of the elders proposes a test to identify the true heir. One man agrees to the test while the other flatly re-fuses. The one who agreed is immediately sent on his way, and the one who re-fused is correctly identified as the rightful heir. Can you figure out why?
Answer: The test was a blood test. The elder remembered that the true prince was a hemophiliac.
Impostor! Riddle Meme.
Impostor! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Pregnant every time you see her, yet she never will give birth. What is it?
Answer: Full Moon
She will never give birth Riddle Meme.
She will never give birth Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There were five men going to church and it started to rain. The four that ran got wet and the one that stood still stayed dry. How did the one stay dry?
Answer: It was a body in a coffin with the bearers.
There were five men going to church and it started to rain Riddle Meme.
There were five men going to church and it started to rain Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A mother has three sick children. She has a 24-ounce bottle of medicine and needs to give each child eight ounces of the medicine. She is unable to get to the store and has only three clean containers, which measure 5, 11 and 13 ounces. The electricity is out and she has no way of heating water to wash the containers and doesn't want to spread germs. How can she divide the medicine to give each child an equal portion without having any two children drink from the same container?
Answer: Fill the 5 oz. and 11 oz. Containers from the 24 oz. container. This leaves 8 oz. in the 24 oz. bottle. Next empty the 11 oz. bottle by pouring the contents into the 13 oz. bottle. Fill the 13 oz. bottle from the 5 oz. container (with 2 oz.) and put the remaining 3 oz. in the 11 oz. bottle. This leaves the 5 oz. container empty. Now pour 5 oz. from the 13 oz. bottle into the 5 oz. bottle leaving 8 oz. in the 13 oz. bottle. Finally pour the 5 oz. bottle contents into the 11 oz. bottle giving 8 oz. in this container.
Bottle of Medicine Riddle Meme.
Bottle of Medicine Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You go to the doctor because you're ill and he prescribes you with 3 pills and tells you to take them every half hour. How long do the pills last you?
Answer: An hour because the first pill doesn't take 30 min. to take.
Doctor Riddle Meme.
Doctor Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What goes through the door without pinching itself, sits on the stove without burning itself, sits on the table, and is not ashamed?
Answer: The Sun.
A Super Hot Riddle Riddle Meme.
A Super Hot Riddle Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There are 100 light bulbs lined up in a row in a long room. Each bulb has its own switch and is currently switched off. The room has an entry door and an exit door. There are 100 people lined up outside the entry door. Each bulb is numbered consecutively from 1 to 100. So is each person. Person No. 1 enters the room, switches on every bulb, and exits. Person No. 2 enters and flips the switch on every second bulb (turning off bulbs 2, 4, 6, ...). Person No. 3 enters and flips the switch on every third bulb (changing the state on bulbs 3, 6, 9, ...). This continues until all 100 people have passed through the room. What is the final state of bulb No. 64? And how many of the light bulbs are illuminated after the 100th person has passed through the room?
Answer: First think who will operate each bulb, obviously person #2 will do all the even numbers, and say person #10 will operate all the bulbs that end in a zero. So who would operate for example bulb 48: Persons numbered: 1 & 48, 2 & 24, 3 & 16, 4 & 12, 6 & 8 ........ That is all the factors (numbers by which 48 is divisible) will be in pairs. This means that for every person who switches a bulb on there will be someone to switch it off. This willl result in the bulb being back at it's original state. So why aren't all the bulbs off? Think of bulb 36:- The factors are: 1 & 36, 2 & 13, 6 & 6 Well in this case whilst all the factors are in pairs the number 6 is paired with it's self. Clearly the sixth person will only flick the bulb once and so the pairs don't cancel. This is true of all the square numbers. There are 10 square numbers between 1 and 100 (1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 & 100) hence 10 bulbs remain on.
The lightbulb Riddle Meme.
The lightbulb Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.