The Riddle of the Day riddles are hand-selected by the staff at and featured for your enjoyment.  We only select the best riddles and brain teasers so you don't have to waste time sorting through thousands of classic riddles.

Riddle: I have a heart that never beats, I have a home but I never sleep. I can take a man's house and build another, And I love to play games with my many brothers. I am a king among fools. Who am I?
Answer: The King of Hearts in a deck of cards.
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Riddle: What has 88 keys, but can't even open a single door?
Answer: A piano.
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Tender Voiced

ROD: 05-07-2024

Riddle: My voice is tender, my waist is slender and I'm often invited to play. Yet wherever I go I must take my bow or else I have nothing to say. What am I?
Answer: A violin.
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All The Dirty Places

ROD: 05-06-2024

Riddle: I have a big mouth and I am also quite loud! I am NOT a gossip but I do get involved with everyone's dirty business. What am I?
Answer: A Vacuum Cleaner.
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Luke's Trouble

ROD: 05-05-2024

Riddle: What did Obi-Wan say to Luke when he was having trouble eating at a chinese restaurant?
Answer: Use the fork, Luke.
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Riddle: What's a Jedi's favorite car?
Answer: A toy-yoda.
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How Does Yoda Shave?

ROD: 05-03-2024

Riddle: How does Yoda shave?
Answer: With a laser-blade.
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Never Eat

ROD: 05-02-2024

Riddle: I have four legs but never walk I may be covered in flowers but have no soil I hold food three times a day but never eat a meal. What am I?
Answer: A table.
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Once I Had Thoughts

ROD: 05-01-2024

Riddle: I don't have eyes, but once I did see. Once I had thoughts, but now I'm white and empty. What am I?
Answer: I am a skull.
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Riddle: It runs and runs but can never flee. It is often watched, yet never sees. When long it brings boredom, When short it brings fear. What is it?
Answer: Time, which is often watched when you stare at a clock.
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