Riddle: What does a vegetarian zombie eat?
Answer: Graaaaaaaains!
Riddle: What do you call a happy cowboy?
Answer: A jolly rancher.
Riddle: Where do sheep get a hair cut?
Answer: The baa-baa shop!
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: What do you call a spy who sleeps with a blanket over his head?
Answer: An undercover agent.
Riddle: What do you call a three humped camel?
Answer: Pregnant.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: In Ancient Egypt, what music did the mummies like most?
Answer: Wrap Music.
Riddle: When are boys like bears?
Answer: When they're bare-footed.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: What do race car drivers eat for breakfast?
Answer: Fast food.
Riddle: Why didn't the skeleton use a towel?
Answer: Because he always comes out bone dry.
Riddle: What was the spider doing on the baseball team?
Answer: Catching flies.
Riddle: Where do coal diggers play baseball?
Answer: The minor (miner) leages.
Riddle: Why are some fish at the bottom of the ocean?
Answer: Because they dropped out of school!
Riddle: Why did Mickey Mouse go to space?
Answer: To look for Pluto!
Riddle: Today, my mom told me to help her check her balance. I did this without going to the bank. How?
Answer: I pushed her over.
Riddle: Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?
Answer: In case he got a hole-in-one.
Riddle: Why couldn't they play cards on the ark?
Answer: Because Noah sat on the deck.
Riddle: How can you fall without getting hurt?
Answer: If you fall in LOVE!
Riddle: What do you call a fake noodle?
Answer: An impasta!
Riddle: What do you call Santa for cats?
Answer: Santa paws.
Riddle: What clothing does a house wear?
Answer: A dress. Address, get it?