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"Frog" Riddles - First 10 of 13.

Riddle: What happened to the broken-down frog?
Answer: It got toad (towed) away.
Riddle: If a father frog goes, "Ribbit, ribbit." and a mother frog goes, "Erbit, erbit." how does a baby frog croak?
Answer: It doesn't. A baby frog is a tadpole.
Riddle: What shoes do frogs wear in the summer?
Answer: Open toad shoes.
Riddle: There is a frog, dead in the middle of an island. If he swims north, the distance to the mainland is 2 meters. If he swims south, the distance to the mainland is 3 meters. If he swims east or west, the distance is 4 meters. Which way does he swim?
Answer: He doesn't swim at all, he is dead.
Riddle: What happens when frogs park illegally?
Answer: They get toad.
Riddle: What does a frog do when its car breaks down?
Answer: It gets toad!
Riddle: Why was the frog so joyous?
Answer: It eats what "bugs" it.
Riddle: How are people like animals?
Answer: We have bare (bear) feet, frogs in our throats, calves in our legs and bull on our tongues.
Riddle: What animal has more lives than a cat?
Answer: A frog, he croaks every night!
Riddle: I have four legs but no tail. Usually I am heard only at night. What am I?
Answer: A Frog.

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