
Riddle Count: 1514
Riddle: Give me an x, I'll stand to face you. Give me a cross, I'll turn my back on you. What am I?
Answer: The Number 9 (9 multipled by 9 = 81, 9 plus 9=18).
Capricious Riddle Meme.
Capricious Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Angry and Hungry are two words ending in 'gry" There are three words, (Using popular terminology) in the English Language, that ends in "GRY". The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is. What is the third word?
Answer: The answer is terminology. It's the third word ending in gry. Using popular terminology
Angry and Hungry are two words that end in '-gry' Riddle Meme.
Angry and Hungry are two words that end in '-gry' Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: When you take away the whole from me, there is always some left over. What am I?
Answer: Wholesome!
When you take away the whole from me Riddle Meme.
When you take away the whole from me Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Jack has 8 bricks 7 of them weights the same amount and one is slightly heavier. Using a balance scale, how can Jack find the heavier brick in two weighings?
Answer: First he split them in to piles of 3, 3, and 2 bricks. Then he weighs both groups of 3 with each other. If they balance he knows the brick is one of the 2 unweighed bricks and he can weigh them to find the heaver one. If the the stacks of 3 bricks do not balance, he will weigh 2 of the 3 bricks. If they balance he will know the brick left unweighed is heavier, or if they do not balance, he will find the heavier one.
Odd Brick Out Riddle Meme.
Odd Brick Out Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: You are in a room with one chair in the center of the room. The room is to small to lie down in or stand up in. The walls are covered in markings left by desperate men. You will have rats for company, and one window so that you can see the world that has passed you by. How can you survive only one month? Explain.
Answer: You can't. Because You don't have any food. You would go insane before one month is up. The room wouldn't provide enough oxygen for you and the rats to survive.
The room. Riddle Meme.
The room. Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Robert and David were preparing to have a water balloon fight. "No Fair" cried Robert, "You have 3 times as many as I do!" David said "Fine!" and gave Robert 10 more balloons. "Still not fair!" argued Robert, "You still have twice as many as I do." How many more balloons must David give Robert for them to have the same number?
Answer: David must give Robert another 20 water balloons, giving them each 60. Robert started with 30 water balloons and David with 90.
Water Balloons Riddle Meme.
Water Balloons Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What number, when added separately, to 100 and 164 can make each a perfect square?
Answer: The answer is 125. 125+100=225 and 125+164=289.  The square root of 225 is 15 and the square root of 289 is 17.
Perfect Squares Riddle Meme.
Perfect Squares Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A car's odometer shows 72927 miles, a palindromic number. What are the minimum miles you would need to travel to form another?
Answer: 110 miles. (73037)
A Palindromic Number Riddle Riddle Meme.
A Palindromic Number Riddle Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man and a woman were driving in their car when it broke down. The man decided to go for help at a gas station a few miles back. He made sure nobody was in the car, rolled all the windows up, and locked all of the sedan's doors. He went off, but when he came back, his wife was dead, and there was a stranger in the car. No physical damage was done to the car, so how did the stranger get in?
Answer: The stranger was a baby and the woman died in childbirth.
Strange Death Riddle Meme.
Strange Death Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There is a man stood on top of a mountain frozen holding a peice of straw. How did he get there?
Answer: He was with his friend in a hotair balloon when they were about to hit a mountin so they took of there clothes to make it lighter so they would go higher but it wasnt working so they drew straws and who ever had the shortest straw would have to jump out so he was the one who picked the shortest straw.
The Dead Man Riddle Meme.
The Dead Man Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.