Brightest In The Dark

Author: Ayla Wylie
3 years ago

Riddle: I shine brightest in the dark, all who look upon me know my name. When lost deep in the waves, I am most commonly craved. If one night you fail to find me, you might plea to me for safety. What am I?
Answer: I'm a lighthouse.
I shine brightest in the dark, all who look upon me know my name. When lost deep in the waves, I am most commonly craved. If one night you fail to find me, you might plea to me for safety. What am I?
Brightest In The Dark by Ayla Wylie v1.

Riddle: I shine brightest in the dark, all who look upon me know my name. When lost deep in the waves, I am most commonly craved. If one night you fail to find me, you might plea to me for safety. What am I? Answer: I'm a lighthouse.
by Ayla Wylie v2.