Heard But Not Seen

Author: Ayla Wylie
3 years ago

Riddle: I am heard but not seen, I am woken up in the morning, But mostly with caffeine. I can be clean or I can be mean, It all depends on how you treat me. I can be lost but never gone, I am usually back before dawn. What am I?
Answer: Your voice.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/9949
I am heard but not seen, I am woken up in the morning, But mostly with caffeine. I can be clean or I can be mean, It all depends on how you treat me. I can be lost but never gone, I am usually back before dawn. What am I?
Heard But Not Seen by Ayla Wylie v1.

Riddle: I am heard but not seen, I am woken up in the morning, But mostly with caffeine. I can be clean or I can be mean, It all depends on how you treat me. I can be lost but never gone, I am usually back before dawn. What am I? Answer: Your voice.
by Ayla Wylie v2.