The Hotel Room

Author: Neville Lee
2 years ago

Riddle: A woman was in her hotel room and a man knocks on her door. She opens the door and he says he thought this was his room and leaves. When she gets back inside, the woman immediately calls the hotel staff, why?
Answer: You don’t knock on your own door, but the man did.
A woman was in her hotel room and a man knocks on her door. She opens the door and he says he thought this was his room and leaves. When she gets back inside, the woman immediately calls the hotel staff, why?
The Hotel Room by Neville Lee v1.

Riddle: A woman was in her hotel room and a man knocks on her door. She opens the door and he says he thought this was his room and leaves. When she gets back inside, the woman immediately calls the hotel staff, why? Answer: You don’t knock on your own door, but the man did.
by Neville Lee v2.